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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki


In loving memory of Urf Urf, a gentle sea cow warrior who now practices with his spatula in the shallow marshes of the great beyond. Good night, sweet prince.
  • Urfrider Corki Urfrider Corki
    Defying all laws of physics, Corki rides Urf the Manatee into battle. With gatling guns ablazing, they charge headlong into the war against Urfwick and all other enemies who may threaten the existence of the peaceful and benevolent Urfs.
  • Urf the Nami-tee Urf the Nami-tee
    Nami doesn't quite understand the concept of Urf, but was told to don her apparel in honor of the great manatee known as Urf. She's happy to lounge around with her fellow manatee and manatee aficionados, but is quite perplexed as to why she's being shot out of a cannon.
  • Urf Kench Urf Kench
  • Urf the Manatee Urf the Manatee



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