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LoR Prismatic Example 01

Two LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Mistwraiths, showing how copies of a card on the board can have a different card style.

LoR Card Styles icon Card styles are cosmetic customizations for cards. They were introduced in patch 1.16, starting with the Prismatic card style. Card styles aren't separate copies of a card but rather an applied effect to existing copies in the players collection, and can't be acquired for a card without owning at least one copy of it.

Once a style for a card is acquired, it will apply to all copies of the card in the player's Collection. They will also appear in the player's deck when selecting them. When editing the deck loadout, the player can choose to apply a card style by choosing the top-most tab on the customization banner. There, the player can toggle on or off the Prismatic card style as well as select any available skin for each champion in their deck.

Prismatic Card Style[]


A unit card with Prismatic card style.

  • Prismatic Card Style icon The Prismatic card style will add a silver border around a card (gold for Champion card Champion cards) and a holographic effect to the card image. Cards with the Prismatic card style applied become Prismatic cards, or Prismatics. The Prismatic card style was introduced in patch 1.16 as the first card style. The style can be applied to any collectible card, as well as non-collectible ones (See Notes).


Prismatic cards can be acquired by:

  • Coin Coin
  • Essence Essence. See Essence page for details.
  • Prismatic Chests, pick one out of three cards you own with the Prismatic card style applied.
    • Common Prismatic Chest Common: Choose between 3 Prismatic Common cards
    • Rare Prismatic Chest Rare: Choose between 3 Prismatic Rare cards. Small chance upgraded to a Prismatic Champion card.
    • Epic Prismatic Chest Epic: Choose between 3 Prismatic Epic cards. Best chance upgraded to a Prismatic Champion card.
  • Event progression rewards.

Acquiring a prismatic card style for a card does not grant the player an extra copy of the card. Therefore, a player must first acquire a copy of a card for the prismatic card style for it is available for purchase or through chests. The exception is when a specific Prismatic card is offered in event rewards; a copy will be included with the card style if the player does not already three copies.


Cards created by other Prismatic cards will also be Prismatic. Prismatic cards that create a copy or transform a non-Prismatic card will still generate a Prismatic card. However, copies or transformations generated by non-Prismatic cards won't be Prismatic even if the original card was. The exceptions are LoR Revive icon revived or Keyword Capture released Unit card units and exact copies, all of which will be Prismatic if the original copy was. It is also possible to take an opponent's Prismatic card through the likes of effects such as Keyword Nab Nab.

Card Skins[]

Skins are exclusive to Champion card champions and certain cards associated with them. They were introduced in Patch 2.8 as part of the Dark Horizon Event. Since then, skin features have gradually expanded, introducing voice filters in Patch 3.1 (undocumented), rare skins, reskinned level-up animations and new animations in Patch 3.2, and retroactively adding champion spell artworks in Patch 3.6.



Skins may include:

  • New artwork and flavor text for level 1 and level 2 of the champion card.
    • Artwork and flavor text for the champion spell or other associated cards.
  • Entirely new level-up animations
    • Reskinned level-up animations, where some props (e.g. LoR Champion Indicator3Draven's axes) are replaced with a skinned version.
  • New animations for certain actions, like summoning LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Valor through summoning Quinn or attacking with her.
  • New effects for skills or other created cards like LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator0 Mark of the Storm or LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator Flashbomb Traps
  • New voicelines [1]
    • Voice filters or other voice line adjustments


Skins are categorized by rarity. This system is based on card rarity, and includes Common, Rare and Epic skins. No skin with "Legendary" or "Champion" rarity exists. The rarity of a skin determines features and price.

  • LoR Common icon Common Skins
    • Common skins include new art and flavor text for the level 1 and level 2 cards for the champion.
    • They often include new artwork for created tokens or spells as well, though not for their champion spells.
  • LoR Rare icon Rare Skins
    • Rare skins include the same artworks as Common skins, in addition to a Reskinned level-up animation.
    • They also include new visual effects, either for specific actions (e.g. creating cards or challenging enemies) or cards (created spells or skills).
  • LoR Epic icon Epic Skins
    • Epic skins include the same features as Rare skins, in addition to new artwork and flavor text for their champion spell.[2]
    • They always have a completely new level-up animation.
  • LoR Champion icon Legendary Skins
    • Legendary skins include the same features as Epic skins
    • Their most unique feature is replace some basic voicelines with new voices that fit the skin thematic.
Note that these features are largely based on observations. Riot stated that all epic skins would receive updated champion spells, but this also applies to most current rare skins. There are common skins with reskinned level-up animations and rare skins without them. Voice filters are featured on both common and epic skins. Ultimately the decision to classify these skins rests with Riot.



Most skins can be bought using coins.

Some skins are available "for free", for 0 Coins. Up until this point, this includes the classic artwork of LoR Champion Indicator1Rising Tides Fizz and LoR Champion Indicator1Foundations Teemo.

Suppose the player does not own a copy of the champion that the skin is for. In that case, one will be included when purchasing it on the Skins tab in the Collection or Store page. The coin price for the skin will be adjusted for the added copy in the store page and when purchasing the skin, but not when viewing the list of skins in the Collection page.

Legacy skins

Legacy skins describe skins that can not be bought.[3] They are available only for a short time, often during events, and can only be acquired during this time by fulfilling specific conditions. So far, all legacy skins are LoR Common icon common skins.

Some legacy skins are available as premium reward at the end of the corresponding Event Pass (LoR Champion Indicator4Final Boss Veigar, LoR Champion Indicator2Pulsefire Akshan, LoR Champion Indicator5Star Guardian Quinn and LoR Champion Indicator3Star Guardian Soraka).

Other legacy skins are given to the player as login reward (LoR Champion Indicator4Arcane Jinx and LoR Champion Indicator5Arcane Vi) or on other conditions.


Copies of champions with skins equipped work similarly to Prismatics, with the added exception that champions created by champion spells will also have the skin. It is unclear if copies or transformations made by other cards outside the established exceptions will have the skins as there is currently no way to do so with champions. However, non-exact copies of LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Dark Star Zed's Living Shadow made by anything other than LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator2 Zed's Shadowshift will not have the skin equipped.

  1. ↑ This is possible in theory but has not happened yet.
  2. ↑ Patch 3.6 Notes
  3. ↑ Through using bugs, it was possible to buy Arcane Jinx and Vi, as well as Pulsefire Akshan. This is not intended, and cost the player the original price of 700 Coins.