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Metzger, Rainer

LC control 91007200
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMetzger, Rainer
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Other standard no.0000000110529272
Associated countryGermany
LocatedKarlsruhe (Germany)
Vienna (Austria)
Birth date1961-07-03
Place of birthGeisenhausen (Niederbayern, Germany)
Field of activityArt--History
AffiliationStaatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe
Profession or occupationArt historians
University and college faculty members
Art museum curators
College teachers
Found inWalther, I.F. Vincent van Gogh, 1989: t.p. (Rainer Metzger)
Vincent van Gogh, c1993: t.p. (Rainer Metzger) jkt., v. 1 (b. 1961)
Die Welt malt ein Stück Wien, [2022]: title page (Rainer Metzger) page 12 (born in Geisenhausen/Lower Bavaria; lives and works in in Karlsruhe and Vienna; art historian, curator, critic, author; professor of Art History at the Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Karlsruhe since 2004; writes text for exhibition catalogs), viewed August 30, 2024 auteur (Rainer Metzger; born in Geisenhausen on July 3, 1961; art historian, writer, and professor)
Associated languageger