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Kiess, Edgar Raymond, 1875-1930

LC control no.no2008031815
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKiess, Edgar Raymond, 1875-1930
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Variant(s)Kiess, Mr. (Edgar Raymond), 1875-1930
LocatedHughesville (Pa.) Washington (D.C.)
Birth date18750826
Death date19300720
Place of birthWarrensville (Pa.)
Place of deathEagles Mere (Pa.)
AffiliationUnited States. Congress. House
Profession or occupationLegislators
Found inAcceptance of cessions of certain Samoan Islands, 1929: p. 1 (Mr. Kiess, from the Committee on Insular Affairs)
Biog. dir. of the U.S. Cong. online, viewed Feb. 28, 2008 (Kiess, Edgar Raymond, a Representative from Penn.; b. Aug. 26, 1875; d. July 20, 1930)
Biographical directory of the United States Congress, viewed Mar. 9, 2015 (Kiess, Edgar Raymond, Representative from Pennsylvania; b. Warrensville, Lycoming County, Pa., August 26, 1875; attended the public schools; was graduated from Lycoming County Normal School, Muncy, Pa., in 1892; taught in the public schools of Lycoming County for two years; engaged in the newspaper publishing business in Hughesville in 1894; member of the State house of representatives 1904-1910; engaged in business in Williamsport in 1910; served as a trustee of Pennsylvania State College 1912-1930; elected as a Republican to 63rd and to the eight succeeding Congresses and served from Mar. 4, 1913, until his death at his summer home at Eagles Mere, Pa., July 20, 1930; chairman, Committee on Insular Affairs (Sixty-ninth through Seventy-first Congresses); interment Wildwood Cemetery, Williamsport, Pa.)