This is the transcript for "Sports Day". Transcript
Sportacus: I knew it! Today is LazyTown's Sports Day! Hmm. I wonder what everyone is doing to get ready. Ha. (He flies the airship towards LazyTown.) (Opening title sequence) (Title card shows) Stephanie: (voiceover) Sports Day. Bessie: (on the phone) Yes, hold on, hold on. (Milford is hammering) Big news coming up. (hangs up and clears her throat) Mayor Meanswell! Whatever are you doing?! Milford: Oh! I though if I just, uh, gussied up the sports field, then maybe the good people of LazyTown would take more of an interest in Sports Day. Bessie: (on the phone) OH! Big news! Yes, you heard it first from me. Milford: Oh. (The left half of the gate falls over. Stephanie arrives with a book about the history of LazyTown.) Stephanie: Hey, everybody! Stingy: Hello. Ziggy: Oh, hi. Pixel: Hey. Trixie: Hey, Stephanie. Stephanie: Look at this cool book I found at the library. It tells the whole history of LazyTown. Did you know that today is LazyTown's Sports Day? Trixie: Well, that book's, like, 100 years old, Stephanie! (Stingy gets up) Stephanie: But what IS Sports Day? Pixel: It's the day when everyone competes in an amazing super race that takes place on the town square. Trixie: Yeah, first you have to run. Stingy: Then you scooter. Pixel: And skate. Trixie: Then you race on a bicycle. Stingy: And finally you skateboard to the finish. Ziggy, Pixel, Stingy and Trixie: And we're NOT gonna do it! Stephanie: Oh, come on, guys. It sounds really cool. Pixel, you're excellent on the skateboard. Pixel: Most excellent. Stephanie: And, Stingy, you've got those cool new skates. Stingy: I have several. Stephanie: And Trixie can scooter really fast. Trixie: Like lightning. Stephanie: And just imagine if Sportacus would compete. We'd be the best team ever! Pixel: Do you think Sportacus would really want to be on our team? Trixie: Yeah, we're really not that good. (The airship pulls up near them) Stephanie: I think this year's gonna be different. Sportacus: Hi, everybody! All: Sportacus! Hey! Sportacus: I've got great news! Ziggy: You found a big mountain made out of chocolate?!? Sportacus: No. Ziggy: You found a small mountain made out of chocolate?!? Sportacus: No. It's Sports Day. My favourite day of the year. Stephanie: (to the kids) I told you guys this year would be different. Let's get going! (Sportacus leaves.) Stephanie: (notices the kids are not following her) Hey, guys, aren't you coming? All: Nah! Stingy: You can count me out. Ziggy: Me too. Pixel: Me three. Trixie: We'd rather just stay here and do nothing. Stingy: And we have a lot of NOTHING to do. So it could take a while. Besides, we can't play on the sports field. It looks like a garbage dump. Sportacus: I just saw the Mayor, and he's fixing it, he's just cleaning it up. Should be ready just about now. (The other half of the gate falls) Milford: Oh! Sportacus: Well, almost ready. Pixel: Quantum 6000 data alert. Gate damaged. Mayor is alright. Sports field, ready for super race. (ALL CHEER) Stephanie: Come on, guys, let's give it a try! All: Yeah! Come on! (Scene cuts to Robbie's lair. Robbie, who is still in his pyjamas, is looking for a disguise.) Robbie: Oh, deciding what to wear is so tiring. (looks at a fruity outfit) Too girly. (Feather outfit) Too curly. (Admiral outfit) Too early. (Beekeeper outfit) Too fencing. (pretends to be a beekeeper) That doesn't rhyme. (looks at his normal clothes) AHA! Perfect! (laughs) (He turns on his machine but his clothes are tiny, he takes a look at them, then spins around changing into his normal sized clothes. His periscope's siren sounds, and Robbie looks into it. He notices Bessie relaxing.) Robbie: Ahhhhhhhhh! Ugh! (He looks again, and turns around to see Sportacus, Stephanie and the kids playing with a ball.) Robbie: What? They're doing sports? on a sports field?! Ohh! Wait a minute. Yes, yes. I know how to stop all the sporty activity. I've going to buy their sports field. (Giggles) Hmm, that makes 400 Lazy Ideas, just this week. (changes the Lazy Ideas This Week counter from 399 to 400) (Sportacus is showing off his balling skills to the kids) Ziggy: Yeah. Wow. Milford: Oh. This is a most exciting day, I say. This will be one of our best races ever! (Everyone becomes shocked when they hear the sound of Robbie's bulldozer approaching the sports field. The bulldozer stops) Robbie: Ouch! (exits the bulldozer and laughs) Sign at the X, please. Milford: Oh, of course, of course, yes. Hmm. (Hands Robbie the note) There you are! Robbie: Ah! Thank you! Now, clear the area! (The kids become shocked) Robbie: I own this land, and I'm building a feather pillow stuffing factory right here. Stingy: No! You can't do that! Stephanie: No! Stingy: This land belongs to me! It's mine! Stephanie: Huh? Ziggy: What? Yours? Stingy: Yeah. It belongs to me. Ziggy: No. Stingy: Uh-uh. I mean it's ours. All: Yeah! Robbie: Your delightfully unstingy mayor recently sold it to me, so, now it's miiine! (laughs and re-enters the bulldozer) Milford: Oh, no. Not again. Sportacus: Wait. We need this field for Sports Day. All: Yeah! Stephanie: We wanna compete in the super race. Robbie: Really? Trixie: Yes. Robbie: Then how about this? You compete against me? If you win, you can keep this dump. If I win, I'm building my feather pillow stuffing factory right here... (All gasp) Trixie: Uh-oh. Robbie: ..and Sportacus has to leave the town forever. All: What?! Robbie: I said, Sportacus has to leave town forever. Stingy: Uh, for how long did you say? Robbie: FOREVER!!!!!!! (echoes) Ziggy: Sportacus would never leave us. All: Yeah! Stephanie: Right! Pixel: He would never. (Robbie makes mocking noises) Sportacus: We'll do it. (shakes Robbie's hand) (Robbie laughs and drives the bulldozer away. Smoke flies out of it, causing the kids to cough) Ziggy: Sportacus, are you really gonna leave? Sportacus: Of course not, guys, cheer up. With all of us working together... Ziggy: We can, uh, beat Robbie! Pixel: Yeah! Sportacus: Exactly! (All cheer) Sportacus: Hey, kids! Hey, Trixie. Trixie: Yes! Sportacus: Get your scooter. Trixie: Got it. Sportacus: Stingy. Bring out your skates. And, Pixel. Pixel: Yeah. Sportacus: I'll need your skateboard. Pixel: I'm on it. Stephanie: I'll go get the Mayor. Sportacus: Perfect. Ziggy: And, uh, well... What about me? Huh? Sportacus: Ziggy, I have the most important job for you. Ziggy: Yeah. Sportacus: The sports candy supervisor. Ziggy: Yeah, uh, (gasps) Candy? OH, YEAH, THAT'S GREAT! OH, yeah oh.. What... Is that a good thing? Sportacus: It is a good thing. Ziggy: OK, OK, OK, I'm on it, I'm on it. No, it's that way, no, no, it's er! No, sorry! Oh, OHHH! (Sportacus and the kids are playing outside, and Robbie sees it all from his lair) Pixel: Hey, Trixie. (Stingy is doing sit ups) Stephanie: Come on. That's one. Two. (Trixie does a hand stand, while Robbie is exercising on his chair. Pixel and Sportacus are doing push ups. Trixie falls down. Robbie is still exercising on his chair, then stops and snores. Camera cuts back to Stingy, who is still doing sit ups, while Stephanie is shaking his piggy bank.) Stingy: Hello, piggy. (Stephanie faints, while Ziggy lifts lollipop weights, then drops them. Robbie is scooting about the lair, while Sportacus tries to cheers Stephanie up. Robbie then puts his scooter on the table and launches marbles out of it. He laughs) Trixie: I'm fine. Oh. (falls down again) (Pixel stops. Robbie then updates his bike with a propellor.) Robbie: Ha ha! Trixie: Wait here! Give me the baton! Come on! Stingy: It's miiine. Trixie: Oh, Stingy! No! Stingy: It's miiine. ARGH! (Pixel, Ziggy and Trixie run after him) Trixie: Stingy! (Robbie's bike breaks down and puffs out smoke. Soon, everyone is worn out from all that execising) Pixel: Let's see, minus... Stephanie: How are we doing, Pixel? Pixel: Uh, I think we're OK. But, uh... (Ziggy faints) ..we're not OK. Sportacus: Kids, the only thing we need now is the right energy. Ziggy: I've got it right here. Remember? You asked me to be your sports, candy, uh, supersizer, flizer? Sportacus: (laughs) No, Ziggy. I asked you to be sports candy SUPERVISOR. And THIS is not sports candy. Ziggy: Sure it is! Look, look, look! (takes some sweets out his bag) This one is running. Da, da-da, da-da! And this one is jumping. Boing, boing... (all laugh) And this one is swimming into my mouth. Sportacus: Ziggy, wait. Check this out! (does a cool move and runs, then does backflips, and bumps into a tree) Apple. (He catches one and runs back with it) All: Whoa! Sportacus: THIS is sports candy. All: Wow! Oh, yeah! Sportacus: Here's the real energy. Pixel: Whoa! True. Sportacus: Stephanie? (throws her the apple) I've got more in my backpack. Pixel: Whoa! (Sportacus flips in the air, and many apples fly out of his backpack. He then jumps down and gives everyone an apple each) Pixel: Thanks. Trixie: Got it. Stingy: Yeah! Trixie: Wow! ("Energy" plays.) |
Sports Day/Transcript