Law and Order

Tom Williams was a serial burglar and double rapist.


Williams lived with his mother and had a job gathering signatures for petitions. After speaking with different women, he would break into their home while wearing a Prince Charming mask and rape them while playing the song "Liebestod" from the German opera Tristan and Isolde by Richard Wagner from a portable speaker.

Williams was eventually caught in the act as he tried to rape his latest victim. He subsequently fled and jumped from rooftop to rooftop while being pursued by Detective Rollins. He was then cornered by Detective Carisi, and in the process, he slipped off the ledge. Carisi tried to pull him up, but Williams lost his grip and fell to his death. (SVU: "Mood")

Known Victims[]

  • Savannah Ross
  • Nancy Burns
  • Vivian Stevens (attempted to rape)