Law and Order
Law and Order

Darren Bickford is a drug-addicted flasher arrested by Special Victims while they tracked a groper in Central Park. He was tripping while in the nude and hallucinating a woman to follow him before passing out and being taken into custody.

As he was waiting in a wheelchair in a hospital for his trial, the fire alarm was pulled and he tried to run out. Hearing noises in a closet, he saw Gia Eskas being raped by her uncle George Zane, Zane having put on a doctor's coat and pulled the alarm to get her alone. Bickford tried to get her help, but no one was around.

Bickford reported the rape at his trial in the hospital. Eskas was tracked and encouraged to report the rape, leading to Zane's arrest. Bickford's verdict is unknown. (SVU: "Educated Guess")
