Otoko・Ichiban Yari (男・一番槍) is a Samurai Warriors character image song. It first appeared on the character image vocal CD, Ten - Gouka Ougi, and was later included on Vocal Best.
The song's title literally translates as "Man - The Forerunner". It is a solo song performed by Takahiro Fujimoto for his character in the series, Masanori Fukushima. When Fujimoto first performed the song live on stage, he wore a pompadour wig and somewhat cosplayed as his character.
A special version called Sanbon Yari was recorded and released as Sengoku Musou Seiyuu Ougi 2011 Aki's event exclusive CD. This cut has a short mini-drama in the song between Fujimoto, Eiji Takemoto, and Tomokazu Sugita, the last two voicing Mitsunari Ishida and Kiyomasa Katō respectively in the series.
- Lyrics: Yuriko Mori
- Composition, Arrangement: Low-tech Son (Kenji Mizuki, Shunya Takemoto)
- (男)さあ一番槍
- (戦)なら一番乗り
- (ガチで)行け「してやったり」
- 先陣 飾るぜ
- いざ 天下御免
- おら ナメんじゃねえ
- この旗印とか 見えねえのか?
- 俺 ケンカ奉行
- 負け?ありえねえ
- 俺が「参った」するまで負けじゃねえ
- ガキの頃から一緒の仲間(マブダチ)と
- 力合わせりゃ楽勝 完全燃焼
- 前に前に進むぜ 武将なら
- っつーか、やるしかねえじゃんか!
- (そりゃ~!)
- 喧嘩だ 喧嘩
- 天下の 喧嘩
- つまり一気に
- 一網打尽よ
- (しゃあ~!)
- 男は度胸
- 気分は任侠
- そこんとこ
- そこんとこ
- 世路士駆!
- おっと 敵前だ
- マジ ぶっち���り
- 俺が助太刀すりゃチョロいもんさ
- ガキの頃とおんなじ 超派手さ
- ばっくれたりはしないぜ 正々堂々と
- 先へ先へ急ぐぜ 男なら
- 馬鹿な 無茶苦茶良いいじゃんか!
- (おりゃ~!)
- 喧嘩だ 喧嘩
- 本気で 喧嘩
- やべえ戦国
- 喧嘩上等
- (しゃあ~!)
- 男は根性
- やる気は極上
- 心意気
- 心意気
- バリバリ!
- (男)さあ一番槍
- (何処へ)でも一番乗り
- (前に)行け「してやったり」
- 速攻 攻めてく
- (男)さあ一番槍
- (戦)なら一番乗り
- (ガチで)行け「してやったり」
- 年中夢中
- 俺の右手にゃ棘棍(こんぼう) 左手にゃ
- 炎メラメラ情熱 やっぱキタコレ
- だから熱いぶっちゃけ友情に
- 共に行こうぜ 一直線
- (そりゃ~!)
- 喧嘩だ 喧嘩
- 天下の 喧嘩
- つまり
- 一気に一網打尽よ
- (しゃあ~!)
- 男は度胸
- 気分は任侠
- そこんとこ
- 世路士駆!
- (キタコレ!)
- 喧嘩だ 喧嘩
- 本気で 喧嘩
- やべえ戦国 喧嘩上等
- (しゃあ~!)
- 男は根性
- やる気は極上
- 心意気
- 心意気
- バリバリ!
- (男)さあ一番槍
- (戦)なら一番乗り
- (ガチで)行け「してやったり」
- 先陣 飾るぜ
- (男)さあ一番槍
- (戦)なら一番乗り
- (ガチで)行け「してやったり」
- 年中夢中
- iza tenka gomen
- ora namen jyane
- kono hatajirushi to ka mieneenoka?
- ore kenka bugyou
- make? ariene
- ore ga "maitta" surumade makejyanee
- gaki no koro kara isshou no mabudachi to
- chikara awaserya rakushou kanzen nenshou
- mae ni mae ni tsutsumu ze bushou nara
- ttssuka, yarushika nee jyanka!
- (SORYA!)
- kenka da kenka
- tenka no kenka
- tsumari iki ni
- ichimou-dajin yo
- (SHYAA!)
- otoko wa dokyou
- kibun wa ninkyou
- sokontoko
- sokontoko
- yoroshiku!
- otto teki-zen da
- maji bucchigiri
- ore ga sukedachi surya chrouimono sa
- gaki no koro to onnaji chou hade sa
- bakkuretari wa shinai ze seseidodo to
- saki he saki he isogu ze otoko nara
- baka na muchakucha iiijyanka!
- (ORYAA!)
- kenka da kenka
- honki de kenka
- yabee sengoku
- kenka jouto
- (SHYAA!)
- otoko wa konjo
- yaruki wa koshou
- kokoro iki
- kokoro iki
- baribari!
- (otoko)saa ichiban yari
- (doko he)demo ichiban nori
- (mae ni)ike shityattari
- sokkou semeteku
- (otoko)saa ichiban yari
- (ikusa)nara ichiban nori
- (gachi de)ike shityattari
- nenchuu muchuu
- ore no migite nya konbou hidari te nya
- honou mermera jonetsu yappa kita kore
- dakara atsui bucchake yujo ni
- tomo ni kyouze icchozen
- (SORYA!)
- kenka da kenka
- tenka no kenka
- tsumari
- iki ni ichimou-dajin yo
- (SHYAA!)
- otoko wa dokyou
- kibun wa ninkyou
- sokontoko
- yoroshiku!
- kenka da kenka
- honki de kenka
- yabee sengoku kenka jouto
- (SHYAA!)
- otoko wa konjo
- yaruki wa koshou
- kokoro iki
- kokoro iki
- baribari!
- (otoko)saa ichiban yari
- (ikusa)nara ichiban nori
- (gachi de)ike shityattari
- senjin kataruze
- (otoko)saa ichiban yari
- (ikusa)nara ichiban nori
- (gachi de)ike shityattari
- nenchuu muchuu
- Aight, comin' through!
- Don't act like you're all that
- You see these colors I got here?
- I've got the creds for fightin'
- Me, lose? Hell no!
- You won't win until you get me to say "I give"!
- When me and my childhood bros
- unite together, we're an invincible pack that can't be stopped
- If you're a warrior, you gotta keep going to the finish
- So yeah, time to whoop ass!
- (SORYA!)
- Hell yeah, it's a fight!
- The fight of the land!
- I'm going in this
- with everything I got!
- (SHYAA!)
- A man fears nothing
- The feeling's first-class
- Now that's been said
- Now that it's clear
- Don't you dare disappoint!
- Wow, there's mofos everywhere
- with no end in sight
- You got me to help ya, so this'll be over quick
- Been a killer beast since I was a kid
- but I won't play low, we gotta be fair
- If you're a man, you gotta keep pushin' ahead
- Yeah, who cares if you gotta force yourself!
- (ORYAA!)
- 'Eff yeah, it's a fight!
- A real fight!
- Damn, these wars
- have some top-class fightin'
- (SHYAA!)
- Takes guts to be a man
- Step up to the plate
- Show some spirit
- Put your heart into it
- Let's kick ass!
- (Be-a-man)Yeah, I'm up first
- (Where-to-go)but I get the first blow
- (to-the-front)Let's do this, "Just as planned"
- I'm the one who hits first
- (Be-a-man)Yeah, I'm up first
- (This-is-war)so I get the first blow
- (With-your-soul)Let's do this, "Just as planned"
- I'm hooked all year round
- My right hand's got my club, and my left
- is fired up with passion. That's the stuff
- So let's bump fists, bro, and go together
- straight to the action
- (SORYA!)
- Hell yeah, it's a fight!
- The fight of the land!
- So I'm not holding back!
- (SHYAA!)
- A man fears nothing
- The feeling's first-class
- Now that's been said
- Don't let me down!
- 'Eff yeah, it's a fight!
- A real fight!
- Damn, these wars have some top-class fightin'
- (SHYAA!)
- Takes guts to be a man
- Show me what you got
- Show some spirit
- Put your heart into it
- Let's kick ass!
- (Be-a-man)Yeah, I'm up first
- (This-is-war)so I get the first blow
- (With-your-soul)Let's do this, "Just as planned"
- Your base is mine
- (Be-a-man)Yeah, I'm up first
- (This-is-war)so I get the first blow
- (With-your-soul)Let's do this, "Just as planned"
- I'm hooked all year round