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파일:Coat of arms of New Zealand.svg

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원본 파일 (SVG 파일, 실제 크기 725 × 699 픽셀, 파일 크기: 643 KB)

파일 설명

English: Coat of Arms of New Zealand (1956-Present)
  • The Coat of Arms depict a shield with four quadrants divided by a central "pale". The first quadrant depicts the four stars on the flag of New Zealand; the second quadrant depicts a golden fleece, representing the nation's farming industry; the third depicts a sheaf of wheat for agriculture; and the fourth quadrant depicts crossed hammers for mining. The central pale depicts three galleys, representing New Zealand's maritime nature and also the Cook Strait. The Dexter supporter is a European woman carrying the flag of New Zealand, while the Sinister supporter is a Maori Warrior holding a Taiaha (Fighting weapon) and wearing a Kaitaka (flax cloak). The Shield is topped by the Crown of St. Edward, the Monarch of New Zealand's Crown. Below is a scroll with "New Zealand" on it, behind which (constituting the "heraldic compartment" on which the supporters stand) are two fern branches.
Deutsch: Staatswappen Neuseelands (seit 1956).
  • Das Staatswappen zeigt einen in Blau und Rot gevierten Schild mit einem silbernen Pfahl. Es zeigt im blauen ersten Feld das Kreuz des Südens (Southern Cross) mit silbergeränderten fünfzackigen Sternen als Symbol des Staates und im blauen vierten Feld goldene Bergmannswerkzeuge, Symbole für Landwirtschaft, Viehzucht und Bergbau, sowie ein Goldenes Vlies im roten zweiten Feld und im dritten Feld in Rot eine goldene Korngarbe. Die drei schwarzen nach rechts fahrende Segelschiffe mit ausliegenden Rudern im Pfahl stehen für die Bedeutung des Seehandels und für die Besiedlung Neuseelands vom Meer her. Der Wappenschild wird links von einer weißen Frau mit der Flagge Neuseelands in der Hand, Symbol für die europäischen Einwanderer, und rechts von einem tätowiertem Māori im traditionellen Gewand, dem Kaitaka aus neuseeländischem Flachs, und mit einem Taiaha, einer langen Kampfkeule, in der Hand, Symbol für die Ureinwohner, als Schildhalter gehalten. Beide stehen auf Zweigen des Silberfarns, der Nationalpflanze. Darüber liegt ein silbernes Band mit dem Staatsnamen „NEW ZEALAND“. Über dem Wappenschild schwebt die britische Edwardskrone als Versinnbildlichung der formalen britischen Oberherrschaft.
Українська: Герб Нової Зеландії (з 1956 року).


This SVG 문장은 includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this 문장은:
Coat of arms of New Zealand.png.
This SVG 문장은 includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this 기는:
Flag of New Zealand.svg.
저자 Sodacan
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SVG 발전
SVG 파일의 소스 코드 문법이 올바릅니다.
This coat of arms was created with Inkscape, and then manually edited


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현재2024년 6월 1일 (토) 21:362024년 6월 1일 (토) 21:36 판의 섬네일725 × 699 (643 KB)GarterKingOfArmsReverted to version as of 07:37, 5 January 2022 (UTC)
2022년 10월 19일 (수) 19:132022년 10월 19일 (수) 19:13 판의 섬네일725 × 699 (594 KB)SodacanReverted to version as of 07:09, 10 October 2020 (UTC)
2022년 1월 5일 (수) 16:372022년 1월 5일 (수) 16:37 판의 섬네일725 × 699 (643 KB)GaryJetnerFixed hand and arm joins and neck of dexter supporter (Zealandia), raised eyelash above eyebrow in sinister supporter (Maori chief)
2020년 10월 10일 (토) 16:092020년 10월 10일 (토) 16:09 판의 섬네일725 × 699 (594 KB)Great BrightstarAfter the last change, another regression happened, which broke the rendering of the crown during the server's converting. So try to fix that.
2020년 10월 10일 (토) 15:382020년 10월 10일 (토) 15:38 판의 섬네일725 × 699 (594 KB)Great BrightstarFix the regression
2020년 10월 10일 (토) 15:282020년 10월 10일 (토) 15:28 판의 섬네일725 × 699 (594 KB)Great BrightstarFix for use tag
2020년 1월 12일 (일) 16:162020년 1월 12일 (일) 16:16 판의 섬네일725 × 699 (594 KB)Great BrightstarMinor adjust
2020년 1월 2일 (목) 01:412020년 1월 2일 (목) 01:41 판의 섬네일725 × 699 (594 KB)Great BrightstarMinor addition to the crown, it's now closer to the official rendition.
2019년 11월 13일 (수) 14:022019년 11월 13일 (수) 14:02 판의 섬네일725 × 699 (542 KB)Sodacanminor fixes
2019년 8월 25일 (일) 22:382019년 8월 25일 (일) 22:38 판의 섬네일725 × 699 (768 KB)Great BrightstarAdjust the monde again
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