"Сурет:Emblem of Afghanistan (2004–2013).svg" дегеннің ғаламдық қолданылуы
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- User:O'erTheRampardos
- User:Chochopk/Emblem look-alike
- User:Emijrp/Outlines/Country
- User:Emijrp/Outlines/Afghanistan
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es.wikipedia.org жобасында қолданылуы
- Hamid Karzai
- Emblema nacional de Afganistán
- Elecciones presidenciales de Afganistán de 2009
- Ramazan Bashardost
- Usuario:David53352/Banderas y escudos
- Usuario:Lirg122/Taller
- Mohammed Fahim
- Zalmai Rassoul
- Ashraf Ghani
- Roqia Abubakr
- Khadija Ahrari
- Masuma Esmati Wardak
- Sitara Achakzai
- Safia Ahmed-jan
- Rula Ghani
- Abdul Rasul Sayyaf
- Sediqa Balkhi
- Sabrina Saqeb
- Mahbuba Huquqmal
- Karim Khalili
- Hedayat Amin Arsala
- Suhaila Seddiqi
- Conferencia internacional sobre Afganistán, Bonn (2011)
- Bismillah Khan Mohammadi
- Abdul Hadi Arghandiwal
- Amrullah Saleh
- Sarwar Danish
- Anwar ul-Haq Ahady