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Ri Haku Army

Group Info
Name Ri Haku Army
Named by Ri Haku
Location Great Wall of Zhao
State Zhao
Affiliation Zhao Military
Status Active
Group Personnel
General Ri Haku
Leader Ri Haku
Commander(s) Gou Ran
Units Gou Ran Unit (Defunct)
Side Infos
Specialty Defense

The Ri Haku Army is the army led by General Ri Haku of the State of Zhao and is one of the six armies under Three Great Heavens Hou Ken during the Battle of Bayou .


Battle of Bayou Arc[]

During the Battle of Bayou, he is put in charge of the central army of 20,000 soldiers and notes that his opponent is Mou Bu, son of General Mou Gou. A heavy cavalry unit led by a 1000-Man Commander Gou Ran, is sent out on the front line to break Mou Bu's charge but the Qin general destroys them instead. In response, Ri Haku deploys 500 archers to the left-wing and tells the heavy infantry to get into an Echelon Formation. This enables him to blunt the "impact force" of Mou Bu's charge but his army suffers a large number of casualties due to this so he orders his men to change formations.

Upon hearing the retreat signal, he guesses that something must have happened to Fuu Ki but wonders if it's enough of a reason to pull back the entire force. Back at the Zhao army HQ, Ri Haku comments that there was a concern with how Fuu Ki's quality of tactics sharply declined if the enemy managed to get close to him. He is given charge over the remaining troops in the Fuu Ki Army and is tasked with keeping Mou Bu occupied so the Zhao generals can destroy the left Qin army. When Shou Mou asks him how it feels going up against someone as strong as Mou Bu, he dismisses the Qin general and calls him nothing special.

On the second day of battle, Ri Haku uses the same tactics as the previous day to face Mou Bu's troops but after seeing how easily Mou Bu's charge tears through his men, he orders his troops to use the "Snake". After the formation is destroyed by Mou Bu's troops, he calls the Qin general a monster and withdraws his base camp, thinking that Mou Bu intends to chase after him. All he can do is watch from a safe distance as the Qin troops led by Mou Bu destroy his army altogether.

On the third day, Kou Son Ryuu is placed with Ri Haku so both of them can work together and destroy Mou Bu but they were still unable to stop Mou Bu.

Later that evening Shou Mou berated them for their failure. Chou Sou said the fault lied with him and said the next day the whole Army will mobilize to kill Mou Bu.

The next day Ri Haku met with Shou Mou on the previous day's battlefield, he warns him to not be out so early alone and states how prudent of Shou Mou to scout the field in the morning. Noticing Hou Ken watching them, he ponders why they know so little about him and why Kou Son Ryuu is yet to tell them more.

On the fourth day of battle, his army stands ready for Mou Bu's charge, and he is shocked when the other Qin armies begin to move.

After Chou Sou mover their HQs he was tasked with stalling the Qin army ahead of him but grew impatient and was about to ride back to their HQ when Kou Son Ryuu stopped him, telling him of the hidden army. His army promptly retreated after Ri Boku sent out the signal to the entire Zhao army.

Coalition Invasion Arc[]

During the Battle of Kankoku Pass they took heavy damage because they were used as bait by General Kei Sha to lure Duke Hyou into a trap.

A 1000 of them was sent to reinforce the Man Goku Army after they stalled because of the Hi Shin Unit.

Battle of Eikyuu Arc[]




1000 Man Commanders[]


Gou Ran †
Slain by Mou Bu




Army Formation[]

