Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki

Gangan = ?[]

Considering the nature of Ghost's transformation device, is it possible to suggest the name is based on the seperate meanings of the word "Gan"? It's probably too early to make the reference and I understand if this gets deleted. But, I just want to suggest the fact "Eyeball" would be a fair assumption to the naming of the Riders' respective weapons.Lokker G (talk) 16:53, September 1, 2015 (UTC)

Katakana is Gan Gan, which is the onomopia for pounding or banging on something.

I will "Never Mind".

Thesquidking (talk) 02:04, October 19, 2015 (UTC)Thesquidking

Correct spelling[]

Source: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11953197_485757221584731_6852625423323967051_n.jpg?oh=4bcdbd834d3af6e9d4dcec0f9673842d&oe=567E859E&__gda__=1450211095_6d867ba87b4e4dc178c74e820b9db486

The toy packaging in the background reveals that it's actually spelt as "Gan Gun Saber".

Gokyr586 (talk) 05:48, September 3, 2015 (UTC)

Other Similarities...?[]

Should other allusions to other Rider belts be limited to what we currently know and leave speculation on unconfirmed aspects out of the discussions? Just to note if it could be considered to be included: The way the weapon is scanned to initiate finishers is similar to the Arms Monsters from Kiva. The one risky element to perhaps leave out of discussion is the removable plate on the driver unit: It may or may not come into play in the series' run, but I feel speculation should be limited.Lokker G (talk) 00:29, October 4, 2015 (UTC)

Standby Announcement[]

Who put Gangan Ga~n there?

It clearly announces GanGanMina instead ganganga~n.

An 8-Year Code Lyoko Fans (talk) 18:24, October 5, 2015 (UTC)

Well excuuuuuuse me for getting something wrong that I heard from a YouTube recording of the DX Gan Gun Saber. :P Joker-Man (talk) 20:58, October 8, 2015 (UTC)

Omega Impact[]

Can someone put "Omega Impact (オメガインパクト, Omega Inpakuto)" in the Gan Gun Saber finishers? Joker-Man (talk) 05:39, November 2, 2015 (UTC)

Gan Gun Saber Sickle Mode?[]

So, I saw a video demo of the Mobile Cobra, and in particular its functionality with the Gan Gun Saber. It apparently unlocks the "Omega Crash" finisher announcement. OathToOblivion (talk) 22:22, November 5, 2015 (UTC)

.... Oh my Ishinomori. 0_0

Calling it! Specter takes the Edison Eyecon, but in the same episode, Ghost takes the Tutankhamen Eyecon and the Mobile Cobra (somehow)!Joker-Man (talk) 23:59, November 5, 2015 (UTC)

Found it. When you put the Mobile Cobra to the Gan Gun Saber, the Omega Drive is Omega Crash (オメガクラッシュ, Omega Kurasshu). Then, a beeping smartphone jingle can be heard! Muhammad Amir (talk) 05:13, November 12, 2015 (UTC)

Rifle Mode Finisher[]

The Gan Gun Saber's rifle mode finisher is called the Omega Impact (オメガインパクト, Omega Inpakuto) ᵜL̷̲̅ᴇ̷̲̅s̷̲̅S̷̲̅ᴛ̷̲̅ᴜ̷̲̅ᴅ̷̲̅ɪ̷̲̅ᴏ̷̲̅s̷̲̅ᵜ (talk) 21:52, November 18, 2015 (UTC)

Hammer Mode Finisher[]

Based on the DX Gan Gun Saber toy, the Gan Gun Saber's hammer mode finisher is called the Omega Bomber[1]

I hope this helped.Drakecahill (talk) 14:51, November 23, 2015 (UTC)

I noticed something[]

do you know the melodies that sound between the Inochi Dai Kaigan announcement and the emotional Finisher announcements? well, I noticed something about the Love Bomber one



the melody sounds like the start of the final battle theme from the videogame Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story


--WIKIMARCO (talk) 23:12, September 18, 2016 (UTC)


Can you have Naginata Mode with the tilted handle? If so, then there's technically a Boomerang Mode that has no associated sounds.Fgftf (talk) 22:27, 2 November 2022 (UTC)