Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-zxThis article is about a monster in the TV special Birth of the 10th! Kamen Riders All Together!!.

Taka-Roid (タカロイド, Taka Roido) is a hawk-based Roid created by Badan Empire. Destroyed by Kamen Rider X's X Kick.

Manga Appearances[]

Kamen Rider ZX (Adventure King manga)[]


Kamen Rider ZX (TV Land manga)[]


Kamen Rider Spirits[]

Main article: Vega

Vega / Takaroid - A young Egyptian street punk who became a cyborg in exchange for Badan aid to his destitute family. He now rules a Badan cyborg factory in the form of a black pyramid. After he makes the largely innocent robot in charge of the factory cry, he is killed by V3.

