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Icon-gavvThis article is about an episode in Kamen Rider Gavv.

More Marshmallows Please! (マシュマロおかわり!, Mashumaro o Kawari!) is the fourth episode of Kamen Rider Gavv. It features the debut of Gavv Fuwamallow Form and Marumallow Assist.


Shoma mistakes the vegetables in the field for wildflowers and is caught by the owners of the field, Ryoji and his wife Mutsuko. After the misunderstanding is cleared up, Shoma is welcomed kindly by the couple.

Hanto visits Granute researcher Suga and begins researching the Granutes. When Hanto is told about the true nature of Granutes, who kidnap humans to spice up sweets, he...!?

An agent appears in front of Shoma, who is spending time with an elderly couple. Shoma escapes and confronts the agent, but then an unexpected person appears...!


The recap of the story is done by Hanto this time, who noticed that monsters are starting to be out in public and this could lead him to find his mother’s killer. He has seen a lot happen in the past week, including the mysterious Kamen Rider and some “weird old dude” claiming to be a researcher and is still confused as to what is going on.

Out in the countryside, Shoma is starving and stares at a roadside stand of fresh produce, with no money to put in the box to pay for any of it. He resists the urge to steal something from it and thinks that he needs to get a job to keep going like Sachika.

He then sees a patch of plants on a hill and decides to take some from it to eat. As his hunger overrides his common sense, Shoma attempts to munch into some celery that he pulls out, but he gets caught by the farmer and his wife. He is rightly accused of stealing from their vegetable patch, which Shoma apologizes for as he didn’t know it belonged to the farmers as he had been eating random plants as he trekked through the country, only for them to think he someone named Makoto upon them getting a closer look at Shoma. The wife says it can’t be Makoto and while confused about what is going on, Shoma introduces himself, only to completely burn out of energy and almost passes out from starvation if not for the couple catching him before he falls down the hill.

Back at Stomach Inc., the Stomach Twins inquire to their Agent if they found the man with the red Gavv again, to which it says it has not. Jeebh says that is unfortunate as he is anxious to see him, only for his older brother Nyelv to overhear as he walks by and asks whom the twins wish to meet. The twins are startled by the sudden appearance of their older brother and quickly come up with a lie, that they are eager to meet the new part timer that they hired since they have been losing employees lately. Nyelv is suspicious and snarks that they must be dying in a ditch somewhere given recent flaws of their mods.

The twins ask what their brother is doing here, which he says that he was going to check their modded part timers, but he will review his blueprints instead, taking his leave. The twins sigh in relief that he is gone, as they don’t want their other siblings to know about the red Gavv man, as that would “ruin their fun with him “. However, Nyelv is in the door room of the factory and seems to know what is going on, wondering if the twins have figured it out yet.

Shoma is welcomed into the home of the farmers, Ryoji and Mutsuko Nakamura, and learns that Makoto was their son whom Shoma bears a striking resemblance to, who passed away 20 years ago. Mutsuko gives Shoma some leftovers, which he thanks the kind couple for and enjoys thoroughly. The Nakamuras feel nostalgic for their son Makoto of happy times around the dinner table, Shoma praises their cooking and asks what the food he is eating is so he can put it in his diary. The Nakamuras are perplexed by the question, as the food is just ordinary everyday things that Japanese people eat, wondering if Shoma is from somewhere overseas as he struggles to use chopsticks to grab a mushroom in his soup.

Ryoji remembers Shoma saying something about his childhood, that he only ate what grew nearby. Shoma tries not to reveal he is an alien by just vaguely saying that back home it was all he and his mother could have to eat. The Nakamuras sympathize with Shoma, saying that life must have been hard for him, which he says it was just a little. Since Shoma doesn’t seem to have any place to go, Mutsuko suggests to her husband that they give him a place to stay for a while. Ryoji likes the idea and asks Shoma if he wants to stay with them, thinking that their son must have guided Shoma to them. They give him time to think it over but he thanks them and accepts the offer immediately and then continues eating his dinner.

Hanto has been invited to the house of the eccentric Kenzo Suga and goes down to his laboratory in the basement. Kenzo welcomes him, but Hanto is more interested in learning about the monsters. Kenzo asks how much he knows which Hanto says he knows little, only that they go after humans.

With that the researcher gives a “square one” explanation, Kenzo exposits that the Granute are alien life forms from another dimension who have a second mouth on their abdomens. While it is unclear how they are able to enter the dimension of the human world or return home at will, one thing is clear: these aliens abduct humans to create spices for their addictive confections called Dark Snacks. The Granute press humans into compact plank like objects, which Kenzo tries to simplify for Hanto by comparing it to how people freeze dry certain foods, in order to make transporting live humans more efficient. Kenzo suspects that a considerable number of recent missing persons cases are related to Granute abductions, so the Dark Snacks must be very appetizing, though he says he has never tried one to verify it.

Hanto is horrified and realizes that his mother was eaten by one of those creatures and starts to cry, telling the professor that he witnessed his mother getting attacked and abducted by one of those monsters. Kenzo finds this interesting, since Hanto’s mother was not compressed when it happened this indicates that the means of human pressing is a recent development in Granute technology. He asks how many years ago was Hanto’s mother kidnapped, only to then pivot to inform Hanto that he has been researching on developing countermeasures to the Granute. Progress was slow at first until he encountered the Kamen Rider in his battle against Bon and captured his chocolate Gochizo, with both men having noticed that the hero used these creatures to power himself up or change forms. Kenzo hypothesized that they too could use the Gochizo to gain an edge against the Granute and wants Hanto’s help in doing just that.

Back on the Nakamura farm, Shoma is helping with chores such as tilling the fields, planting seeds in the veggie patches and doing the laundry. After a few hours of doing hard work, Ryoji calls Shoma over to take a break with him and Mutsume, who gives him a bag of marshmallows and some ice cold tea to drink. The Nakamuras say that they were Makoto’s favorite snack, Shoma is excited as he has always wanted to try one. Upon eating them, he is elated with how soft and stretchy they are in texture yet also melt in his mouth.

He thanks the Nakamuras for the snack and is about to put notes in his diary about the fluffy treat, only to generate new Gochizo: Fuwamallow and Marumallow. Shoma turns away for a second to not let the Nakamuras see the Gochizo, grabbing them to put in his pocket. Ryoji and Mutsume show concern, worried that Shoma got a stomach ache from the snack because they might have been stale, but Shoma says he’s feeling fine as he hides the Gochizo away, eating more of the marshmallows as Shoma then shows his diary to the Nakamuras. Unfortunately and unbeknownst to Shoma, the Agent of the Stomach Twins has located him.

Meanwhile, Hanto is discussing what he has learned from Kenzo with Soji, who is a bit suspicious of the researcher as he seems a bit dodgy as Kenzo knows a bit too much and that raises the question of how he knows about Granutes. Hanto says that before studying Granutes, Kenzo was a paranormal researcher who investigated things like yetis, yokai and other UMAs. Soji points out that is exactly like what Hanto has been doing and found squat. Hanto says that the professor is older than him and so that means he has had more time and experience to study this than he does. Soji is concerned that Hanto can’t separate facts from what he perceives as Kenzo’s delusions, urging him to watch Kenzo closely for a bit before completely giving him his trust. Hanto agrees to do that, but a red Agent watches the two as they leave.…

Back with the Nakamuras, Shoma goes grocery shopping and carries their bags, with Ryoji and Mutsuko happy to have him in their lives as he made their days brighter since he came to live with them. The Agent suddenly appears and attacks Shoma and he knocks over Ryoji and Mutsuko by accident after being pushed. Not wanting to get the Nakamuras involved, Shoma apologizes to them and runs to draw away the Agents, as another appears to pursue him. Shoma tries to transform with a Poppingummy, but the Gochizo is shot out of his hand and he is cornered. The Twins appear, surprised to see Shoma alive, whom he calls “sister and brother”, they sadistically say that the Nakamuras were so happy to be around him that they may collect them later to make into quality spice. Shoma thinks about the Nakamuras and how happy he made them and feels troubled.

The twins put the pieces together that the monster destroying their part timers was none other than their little brother, saying how pathetic he is as he can’t even be turned into spice because of his red Gavv. Shoma pleads for them to stop as he knows where this is going, but they twist the knife as they say if he was made into spice he could have died with his mother if he was a full blooded human.

Shoma gets upset and their taunting triggers a flashback: Two Agents drag Michiru and Shoma to the production room of the factory where they are confronted by the Stomach siblings. Michiru speaks to Lango, demanding to know what is the meaning of them being dragged here. Lango says that now that his “insane” father who harbored Mitsume in safety is dead, humans have no place being in their family. He removes his disguise, saying that humans only serve one purpose, to be food for the Granutes through extracting their spice for Dark Snacks. Michiru holds her son tightly, pleading Lango not to hurt Shoma.

Nyelv says that neither would make good quality spice in their current state, but they will have enough for their bargain bin snack products as the rest of the siblings disengage their disguises to reveal their true selves. Glotta snaps her fingers, ordering a Granute employee to press Shoma. Michiru desperately pushes Shoma out of the way and gets snared by the tongue of the creature. Shoma is too paralyzed with fear to do anything as he watches his mother helplessly bound in the monster’s tongue. Michiru pleads for her precious boy to run away as fast as he can, only for him to be bound in another tongue and he watches in horror as she is pressed. The process doesn’t affect Shoma and the tongue is repelled, which surprises the Stomach siblings. Nyelv speculates that the process didn’t work because Shoma is half Granute so the Agents grab Shoma. Lango isn’t concerned, as they can execute him later, deciding to torture him first. Glotta picks up Michiru’s pressed form and puts it on the conveyor belt to be extracted, with Shoma pleading them to stop as he is held down.

Once the process is done, Glotta picks up Michiru and shatters her pressed body in her grip, killing her. Shoma’s older siblings laugh sadistically as he breaks down in tears at the loss of his mother and then screams in sorrow as he is dragged away.

Back in the present, Shita and Jeebh take delight in their half brother’s suffering by taunting that Michiru’s remains and her spice are probably inside some random Granute’s belly, laughing at him. Since their older brother Lango and the rest failed to properly kill Shoma, the twins feel they should have the honors, ordering their Agents to open fire.

Shoma dodges and grabs his lost Poppingummy, changing into Kamen Rider, though the Agents try to interrupt his transformation by kicking him in the chest. This doesn’t work as the armor still forms but the difference in the combat skills of the Agents and Shoma are in the favor of the Agents by a wide margin, as Shoma struggles to keep up and continuously gets his armor shot off by their guns. The twins notice the Gochizo he is using, in disbelief because the “failure” could not use Gochizo before, with Jeebh theorizing that something on Earth must have been a catalyst to make it possible for him to use them in battle and he has never seen those kinds of minions before.

The battle isn’t going well for Shoma, as every attack he tries is dodged by the Agents or have no effect. The Agents disarm him and the white one puts him in a headlock, pinning Shoma down. His chest armor gets shot off as the blue Agent prepares to aim for Shoma’s heart, with the hero refusing to lose even as he struggles to breathe and is about to pass out, thinking about all the people he has met and wanting to protect the world his mother grew up in. He squeezes the left armor plate of his suit until it breaks and releases juice that blinds the white Agent, allowing Shoma to break free. He then leaps and punches the blue Agent even though he gets shot in the chest, with Fuwamallow in a tree offering to assist him. Shoma accepts the help and changes into a brand new form: Fuwamallow, which makes Shoma floaty and bouncy.

He discovers that he is more durable and able to ricochet hits by bouncing right back at the enemy and use the created projections of the word “fluff” to float in the air. One drawback he discovers while fighting is the mitten like gloves of the marshmallow armor make it hard for him to grip his Gavvgablade. The Agents try to punch him but the attack bounces off, Shoma then uses his sword to create a large pit behind the Agents. Marumallow offers to help, with Shoma using it to bulk up into his Assist mode, a hulking marshmallow man who thrashes the puny Agents into the pit and then charges his finisher. He transforms into a giant marshmallow roller, running over the Agents and then detaching from the roller, which turns into a powerful explosive that kills the Agents.

The twins are stunned and cannot believe that their Agents were beaten, with Shoma angrily warning them to leave the humans alone or they will face his wrath next time. Shita laughs at her brother’s threat as a pathetic joke, with Jeebh saying that this is far from over yet as they leave.

Relieved he won the fight, Shoma at first wants to go back to the Nakamuras, but the twins words of how they could use him making others happy to their advantage to make quality spice stops him. He realizes now that he’s been exposed, everyone who gets near him will be in danger by becoming a target of Stomach Inc.

Later that evening, the Nakamuras are waiting at home for Shoma to return, hoping he is okay with Mutsume praying to Makoto to watch over him.

Shoma has decided to wander again, with a Gochizo asking in his language if the Nakamuras will be sad. Shoma thinks so and depressingly says that making Ryoji and Mutsume sad will decrease their value to the Granute, so maybe hurting them was for the best. Shoma runs out of energy from both not eating dinner and the tough battle he fought earlier but he wants to keep going to somewhere where he won’t bother anyone. He ends up collapsing alone in the forest…until the shadow of a large figure approaches which terrifies the Gochizo trying to resuscitate Shoma.


Guest Cast[]

  • Ryoji Nakamura (仲村 良治, Nakamura Ryōji): Koichi Hanagasaki (花ヶ前 浩一, Hanagasaki Kōichi)
  • Mutsuko Nakamura (仲村 睦子, Nakamura Mutsuko): Maki Isonishi (磯西 真喜, Isonishi Maki)

Suit Actors[]

Forms and Collectibles Used[]


  • Gochizo Used:
    • Gavv
      • Poppingummy, Punchingummy (in Gochispeeder), Fuwamallow, Marumallow
  • Form Used:
    • Gavv
      • Poppingummy Form, Fuwamallow Form, Marumallow Assist


  • The Poppingummy armor on Gavv's left forearm disappears in the shot where he's strangled by an Agent even though that specific armor piece was never seen being damaged or purged.
  • While using Marumallow, Gavv's right arm clips through his face.


Gavv EP 04 CS
  • Closing Screen Gochizo:
    • Kamen Rider: Gavv
    • Gochizo: Fuwamallow
  • New Gochizo Created: Fuwamallow, Marumallow
  • Kenzo Suga has been added to the show’s opening from this episode onwards, in the scene showcasing a laboratory, which changes from black and white to full color upon him appearing.
  • Sachika Amane and Ritsu Sato do not appear in this episode, though they did appear in Hanto's narration of the previous episode.


External links[]
