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Kamen Rider Amazon
Kamen Rider Amazon (仮面ライダーアマゾン, Kamen Raidā Amazon, Masked Rider Amazon) or Amazon Rider (アマゾンライダー, Amazon Raidā) may refer to any the following characters:
Legend Rider Forms[]
Kamen Rider Amazons[]
- Main article: :Category:Amazons Riders
See also: Amazons


Legend Rider Devices[]

KamenRide: Amazon
KamenRide: Amazon (カメンライドアマゾン, Kamenraido Amazon) is the Kamen Ride Card which contains the power of Kamen Rider Amazon. In All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker, Decade Complete Form Jumbo Formation performed the Final Dimension Kick, a variation of the Dimension Kick, transforming the Shōwa Riders, including Kamen Rider Amazon, and Heisei Riders into Kamen Ride cards for Decade to travel through as opposed to Final Attack Ride cards before hitting the target.
In theory, this card would allow Kamen Rider Decade to transform into Amazon.
AttackRide: Amazon GaGa no Udewa (アタックライドアマゾンガガノウデワ, Atakku Raido: Amazon GaGa no Udewa, Attack Ride: Amazon GaGa Armlet): This card arms Decade Complete Form with the GaGa Armlet after Diend steals it from Yum Cimil, attaching to his right arm and giving Decade a portion of the ancient Inca artifact's energy. [The Strong, Naked, Strong Guy]

Final AttackRide: Amazon
Amazon Medal (アマゾンメダル, Amazon Medaru): A Core Medal bearing the mark of Kamen Rider Amazon. The Amazon Medal appears on-screen in Movie War Mega Max, when the Seven Legendary Riders are captured by Lem Kannagi. Amazon, along with X and Stronger, were turned into Medals (while Rider 1, Rider 2, V3, and Riderman, were turned into Astroswitches) and kept in a suitcase by a member of Foundation X. The Riders were able to return back to normal when OOO inserted the Switches into the OOO Driver and performed a Scanning Charge.

Amazon Switch

Amazon Wizard Ring
Kamen Rider Amazon Lockseed (仮面ライダーアマゾンロックシード, Kamen Raidā Amazon Rokkushīdo): A Lockseed bearing the likeness of Kamen Rider Amazon, created when Amazon was defeated in the battle between the Showa Riders and Heisei Riders. [Heisei Rider vs. Showa Rider: Kamen Rider Taisen feat. Super Sentai] The core image depicts the Condorer while the lid backside image depicts the GiGi Armlet. When inserted into a Sengoku Driver or when channeled through the Showa Rider Lockseed, it would allow an Armored Rider to assume Amazon Arms (アマゾンアームズ, Amazon Āmuzu). It is styled for Bravo and Knuckle in the toyline.
- Transformation: Amazon Arms: Mr. Wildman!
- Squash: Amazon Kick (アマゾンキック, Amazon Kikku)
- Au Lait: Jungler (ジャングラー, Jangurā)
- Sparking: Wild Slash (大切断, Dai Setsudan)
- "(Digital beeping) Amazon!"
- ―Activation announcement[src]
Amazon Ridewatch (アマゾンライドウォッチ, Amazon Raidowotchi): Based on Kamen Rider Amazon, this Ridewatch would provide access to the AmazonArmor. It is dated is 1974.
This Ridewatch was obtained by Hiryu Kakogawa through unknown means and was one of the Ridewatches absorbed by him to become Another Ohma Zi-O.
- "Mogura! (モグラ! )"
- ―Activation announcement[src]
- "Dominate Up! Mogura! Genomix! (ドミネートアップ!モグラ!ゲノミクス!, Dominēto Appu! Mogura! Genomikusu!)"
- ―Genomix Change announcement with the Demons Driver[src]
- "Mogura Demons Requiem! (モグラデモンズレクイエム, Mogura Demonzu Rekuiemu!)"
- ―Genomix finisher announcement[src]
- "Come on! Mogu-Mogu-Mogura! (カモン!モグ!モグ!モグラ!, Kamon! Mogu! Mogu! Mogura!)"
- ―Looping standby announcement with the Revice Driver[src]
- "Buddy Up! Makkura! Hitasura! Masshigura! Mogura! Hole zone!
(バディアップ! 真っ暗!ひたすら!まっしぐら!モグラ!ホールーゾーン!, Badi Appu! Makkura! Hitasura! Masshigura! Mogura! Hōrū zōn!, Translation: Buddy Up! Pitch black! Single-minded! Straight ahead! Mole! Hole zone!)" - ―Transformation announcement with the Revice Driver[src]
- "Mogura Stamping Finish! (モグラスタンピングフィニッシュ!, Mogura Sutanpingu Finisshu!)"
- ―Revice Driver finisher announcement[src]
- "Remix! Buddy Up! Hissatsu! Kurakura! Bikkura! Mogura!
(リミックス!バディアップ!必殺!クラクラ!びっくら!モグラ!, Rimikkusu! Badi Appu! Hissatsu! Kurakura! Bikkura! Mogura!, Remix! Buddy Up! Certain kill! Dizzy! Surprised! Mole!)" - ―Remix transformation announcement[src]
- "Hissatsu Shonin! Mogura Stamping Slash! (必殺承認!モグラスタンピングスラッシュ!, Hissatsu Shōnin! Mogura Sutanpingu Surasshu!, Translation: Deadly Approval! Mole Stamping Slash!)"
- ―Finisher announcement with the Ohinbuster50 in Axe Mode[src]
- "Hissatsu Shonin! Mogura Stamping Strike! (必殺承認!モグラスタンピングストライク!, Hissatsu Shōnin! Mogura Sutanpingu Sutoraiku!, Translation: Deadly Approval! Mole Stamping Strike!)"
- ―Finisher announcement with the Ohinbuster50 in Gun Mode[src]
Mogura Vistamp (モグラバイスタンプ, Mogura Baisutanpu, lit. "Mole Vistamp"): Allows Demons or Over Demons to access Mogura Genomix. It contains the genetic information of a mole and is based on Kamen Rider Amazon.
Kamen Rider Amazon
- Episode 1: Man or Beast? The Cool Guy Who Came From the Jungle!
- Episode 2: Jyumenki! God or Devil?
- Episode 3: The Strong, Naked, Fast Guy!
- Episode 4: Run! The Raging Jungler
- Episode 5: The Weirdo Who Came From Underground!!
- Episode 6: The Inca Rope-Pattern Writing Mystery!!
- Episode 7: Melt! Melt! The Terrifying Snake Beastman
- Episode 8: The Crocodile Beastman Who Attacked the School
- Episode 9: Go, Amazon! The Crab Beastman's Island!
- Episode 10: Black Cat Beastman Aiming at the Nursery School!
- Episode 11: The Golden Snail's the Reaper's Envoy!?
- Episode 12: Seen! Gedon's Beastman Modification Room
- Episode 13: Approaching! Jyumenki! Danger, Amazon!!
- Episode 14: The Jyumenki Dies! And a New Enemy?
- Episode 15: He Came Forth! The Terrible Zero the Great
- Episode 16: Garander's Tokyo Sea of Flames Operation!! (theatrically screened as Kamen Rider Amazon)
- Episode 17: Mt. Fuji Big Explosion? The Tokyo Fry Pan Operation
- Episode 18: Zero's Terror! The Massive Earthquake Operation!!
- Episode 19: Going into Action, The Garander Youth Squad
- Episode 20: Mole Beastman's Last Activity!!
- Episode 21: Cannibal Beastman to Eat the Frozen Rider
- Episode 22: Inca Doll's Day to Annihilate Greater Tokyo
- Episode 23: Imitation Riders vs. Amazon Rider!
- Episode 24: You Did It, Amazon!! The End of Zero the Great!!
Kamen Rider Stronger
- Episode 36: Three Riders Vs. The Powerful Delzer Army!
- Episode 39/Finale: Goodbye! The Glorious Seven Riders!
- All Together! Seven Kamen Riders!!
J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai vs. Gorenger
(photo only)
Kamen Rider (Skyrider)
- Eight Riders vs. GingaOh
- Episode 27: Tank and Monster the Second Generation Corps, Full Force of Eight Riders
- Episode 28: Eight Riders' Great Training of Friendship
- Episode 30: He Eats Dreams? The Strange Boy Who Came From the Amazon (mentioned only)
- Episode 54/Finale: Farewell, Hiroshi Tsukuba! Eight Heroes Forever....
Kamen Rider Super-1: The Movie
Birth of the 10th! Kamen Riders All Together!!
Kamen Rider 1 Through RX: Big Gathering (archive footage only)
Kamen Rider Black RX
- Episode 41: Terror of the 100 Eyed Hag
- Episode 42: The Four Commanders Are Banished
- Episode 43: Defeated!! RX
- Episode 44: Fight! All Riders
- Episode 45: False Rider's Last Days
- Episode 46: The Riders' All Out Charge
- Episode 47/Finale: A Shining Tomorrow!
Kamen Rider Decade
- Kamen Rider Decade: All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker
- Episode 28: Amazon, Friend (A.R. World)
- Episode 29: The Strong, Naked, Strong Guy (A.R. World)
OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders
Kamen Rider Fourze
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z
Heisei Rider vs. Showa Rider: Kamen Rider Taisen feat. Super Sentai
Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen
Kamen Rider Saber + Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger: Superhero Senki