Hi there,
It's time for Jane's Doodles new release blog hop! Jane has prepared one new stamp set that can already be found in the shop!
Čas je za Jane's Doodles blog hop ob novi izdaji štampiljk! Jane je pripravila en nov set, ki ga že lahko najdeš v trgovini!
Take a look at the card I have created:
Poglej voščilnico, ki sem jo jaz ustvarila:
This time around I decided to go with a clean and simple look with rainbow colors. I took the cups from the stamp set and stamp out seven of them, which I then colored in in the rainbow order. To get a look of a dimention, I added a black frame and used a square card base. I connected everything together by adding little hearts in the same colors as the cups and the card was finished in no time.
Tokrat sem se odločila za preprost dizajn v mavričnih barvah. Iz kompleta sem tako vzela skodelice in jih sedem postavila eno na drugo, nato pa sem jih pobarvala v mavričnem vrstnem redu. Da sem dobila nekaj globine, sem dodala še črn okvir in uporabila kvadratno osnovo. Vse skupaj sem nato povezala skupaj še z srčki v barvi skodelic in voščilnica je bila hitro končana.
If you want to have one of these stamps, or any other stamp set, you should join us and hop along. With every comment you get a chance to win a stamp set of your choice from Jane's doodles. If I were you I would be leaving those comments as soon as possible! :D
Če si tudi ti želiš teh štampiljk (ali katerih drugih), potem se nam pridruži in skoči do vsake ustvarjalke. Z vsakim komentarjem si namreč priskrbiš možnost osvojitve kompleta štampiljk Jane's doodles po tvoji izbiri. Jaz bi na tvojem mestu že pisala komentar. :D
Če si tudi ti želiš teh štampiljk (ali katerih drugih), potem se nam pridruži in skoči do vsake ustvarjalke. Z vsakim komentarjem si namreč priskrbiš možnost osvojitve kompleta štampiljk Jane's doodles po tvoji izbiri. Jaz bi na tvojem mestu že pisala komentar. :D
Here you can find the order of the hop:
Tukaj lahko najdeš zaporedje hopa:
Kaja <- Tukaj si / You are here
Kerstins Persang <- Your next stop / Naslednja postaja
The winner will be announced really soon, so you better hurry! But that's not all. Jane made a special sale -25% of all clear stamp sets, so you should really check the shop too! You won't be sorry. :)
Zmagovec bo znan zelo kmalu, tako da pohiti! Za to priložnost pa je Jane pripravila še super akcijo -25% na vse sete štampiljk. Zato pokukaj še v trgovino, ne bo ti žal. :)
I really hope you will hop along! Have fun hopping. :)
Res upam, da se nam pridružiš! Uživaj v skakanju po blogih. :)
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Hvala, da me spremljaš!