
The generosity of alumni and friends who believe in our mission allow the Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine to prepare students for life and practice, foster a skilled physician workforce for rural Appalachia and make critical medical research advancements. There are many ways you can give back to the School of Medicine that fit your needs, interests and philanthropic goals.

For more information about how your gift can help move the Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine forward, contact Linda Holmes, associate dean for development & alumni affairs, at 304.691.1711 or

Annual Loyalty Giving

Being a loyal donor means providing ongoing support to the School of Medicine. Each year, thousands of alumni and friends of the School of Medicine give back. Gifts of any and every size make a difference.   

Your gift helps support the Marshall School of Medicine doctors of tomorrow...TODAY! 

Loyalty Gift Form Give Online Now

Stock Transfers
>>Learn more about how to transfer stock. Make sure to identify the School of Medicine on your transfer. 

Major Gifts

Substantial gifts help build a solid foundation for the future of the medical school.  

Named Endowments
Named endowments in memory or honor of an individual, family, group or organization can be established with a minimum gift of $25,000. Endowed gifts offer a permanent tribute to loved ones or those who have enriched your life while supporting important initiatives such as scholarships, professorships, research, lectures, facilities or faculty development. 

These contributions to the School of Medicine are invested by The Marshall University Foundation Inc., and earnings are available annually for the purpose designated by the donor. 

Estate Planning
If you are considering the School of Medicine in your estate planning, we may be able to assist with reducing your tax liability or offer information about gifts of stock, securities, property, life insurance or tangible items such as art or books. Learn more about estate planning.

Download Sample Bequest Language for your School of Medicine gift.

Matching Gifts

More than 1,000 corporations and foundations in the U.S. match their employees’ gifts to higher education. Search our matching gift database to find out if your company offers a matching gift program.

If your company is eligible, request a matching gift form from your employer, and send in your completed form with your gift. We will take care of the rest.

Memorial and Honorary Gifts

Gifts in memory or honor of an individual, group, family or organization may be designated for scholarships, special programs or greatest needs. 

Payroll Deduction

Marshall University and Marshall Health employees can make charitable contributions to the School of Medicine via payroll deduction. Gifts of any size make a difference and help provide ongoing support to the School of Medicine. Download the Marshall University payroll deduction form, the Marshall Health payroll deduction form or contact your payroll administrator for more information.