Jackie Chan Adventures Wiki
Re-Enter the J-Team
Season 3 Episode 1
General Information
Setting San Francisco, USA
Aired on September 14, 2002
Production Number 53
Written by Duane Capizzi
Directed by Christopher Berkeley
Produced by Frank Squillace
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Re-Enter the J-Team is the fifty-third episode of Jackie Chan Adventures.


Jackie is tasked by Captain Black to infiltrate the island headquarters of a criminal mastermind by taking part in a martial arts tournament he is hosting. Jade suggests sending in the J-Team.


Jade is acting like an all-out action hero while battling Shadowkhan and leaping from skyscrapers before freeing the J-Team. As she pleads with Jackie to finally let her become a full-fledged member of the J-Team, Jade is suddenly subdued by Shadowkhan who grab and and pull her into her class, bringing her before Miss Hartman, who ominously suggests she read out her essay to the class. Jade then wakes up from this nightmare and is depressed that she has only five more days until the end of summer.

During a training exercise with Jackie, Jade tells him about her recurring nightmare in which she fails to provide her What-I-Did-During-Summer-Vacation essay for her class. Jackie suggests that she starts writing it, but Jade complains that nothing noteworthy has happened over the summer, citing the lack of action to Jackie, who is unconcerned.

Captain Black then enters the room, wanting to talk to Jackie about jade (the stone, not the niece). He explains to Jackie that Section 13 suspects a Taiwanese billionaire by the name of Bartholomew Chang to be behind recent thefts of jade art; every time Jade hears what she believes to be her name, they tell her they're talking about the stone; he also has a right hand prosthetic made of jade. The only problem is, the Taiwanese government sees him as a philanthropist, barring Section 13 from raiding Chang's island fortress, where they suspect he's hiding the goods. Jackie fits into this as Chang is about to host his annual martial arts "charity" tournament, which Black believes to be a cover to recruit muscle for his private army and smuggle jade on and off of the island via boat. Jackie has to infiltrate the tournament as a contestant and find the jade. Jade the niece pops out of a vent to tell Black that they need the J-Team to do the mission; Black likes the idea.

Jade suggests Tohru take part as a sumo, despite being small for one. She teaches him the basics of sumo wrestling, before swiftly knocking him down.

As the J-Team is assembled, Jade gives each member a codename, but Jackie refuses to allow her to join. Viper promises to go rollerblading with her when they get back. However, Jade once again defies Jackie and appears during the tournament. El Toro is up first for jujitsu but forgets he's not doing lucha libre, as he attempts to perform his "bounce-off-the-ropes" maneuver and falls out of the ring. Jade then tells Jackie that she signed him up for the iron fist competition, as she thought he wanted to avoid hand-to-hand combat. Viper asks a fellow competitor how Chang lost his hand, to which he answers with "iron fist competition". Jackie then breaks both of his hands on the second set of stones during the tiebreaker. Viper is third up but cannot fight well in her cumbrous tournament clothes and falls to her opponent. Lastly is Tohru, who has to face a much larger sumo. Nervously approaching the ring, Tohru recites his "think big" mantra provided to him by Jade. Despite his smaller size, Tohru is able to lift his opponent high into the air in a colossal display of sheer determination before throwing him out of the ring, effectively declaring him the champion.

As night draws in, the referee summons Tohru for a tour of Chang's facilities. Jade is following incognito. As they walk through Chang's hidden facility concealed behind a hidden entrance disguised as a bookcase, Jade accidentally falls asleep and loses her cover. Tohru spots her and warns the J-Team via the bug on his robe collar. Jackie fears that she may compromise the mission and goes to get her.

Unfortunately, Jackie is attacked by the referee during his search, but manages to defeat his opponent in addition to unlocking the hidden passage. He then spots Jade crawl into a vent and follows. But he accidentally emerges right out into the middle of the tour. Enraged at his intrusion, Chang demands an explanation from Jackie, who tries to explain he is looking for Jade (his niece, not the stone), but Chang suspects him of being a spy and orders Tohru to dispose of him. As Tohru picks Jackie up, instead of throwing him on some stalagmites below, he throws him at Chang and the competition winners. Jackie and Tohru make a break for it and try prying open a set of metal doors, only for Jade to open them from the other side, having discovered Chang's stolen collection of jade artifacts. El Toro and Viper join the party and they and Jackie have a re-match against the competition winners who had beaten them in the tournament. Viper is able to fight better in her jumpsuit and gets some well-deserved payback against her opponent. She and Tohru then hold up a rope for El Toro to properly perform his wrestling move. He and Tohru then slam tackle Jackie's opponent on his behalf, due to his injured hands.

Chang then whistles for his henchmen, disguised as charity workers, to take care of the J-Team. However, a trio of sumos come to their aid after their leader is humbled by his defeat at Tohru's hands. Jackie and Jade pursue Chang, who replaces his jade hand prosthetic with a finger-tipped bladed one. Jade tosses Jackie Chang's other hands, containing both a toothbrush and a spoon. After a long and arduous fight, Jackie emerges victorious.

Back at Section 13, Black expresses hope that the J-Team will be ready for future missions; they agree. Jade then asks if she's now an official member of the team. Black tells her that the "J" in J-Team stands for more than just Jackie. Jackie then gives her an approving thumbs-up.

As it turns out, all the events have been related by Jade to her class over what she did over her summer vacation and receives applause for the tale.





Voice Talent[]


  • USA: The WB (Kids' WB) - Saturday, September 14, 2002


Main article: Transcript:Re-Enter the J-Team


  • Both the title and premise of this episode reference the 1973 Bruce Lee film Enter the Dragon.
  • Jade's dream sequence at the beginning of the episode is a spoof of the 1999 film The Matrix.
  • Paco is only mentioned by El Toro due to the fact he's too busy finishing up his writing assignment.
  • Despite being the first episode of Season 3, this episode retains the intro sequence from Season 2.