I took this picture myself and hereby release it into the public domain to the full extent possible in relevant jurisdictions.
Six months after I uploaded this image the owner - well, he said he was the owner - added some information to this file as follows:
[The car] was built in April 1968 but not registered until 1969. The plate was change in 1972 by a lady in Wiltshire to the present plate, DHR 990C. Car was once owned by the Vauxhall legend Bill Blydenstein. It was he who had a gloss black bonnet put on and the Cosmic wheels and race seats. The car has stage 3 big valve head, up-rated oil pump, extra front anti-roll bar and an unusual engine number. Charles01 (discussione) 13:22, 25 July 2016 (UTC)
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=Vauxhall Viva GT. }} |Source=travail personnel (own work) |Author=Charles01 |Date=May 2009 (photo) 1969 (car) |Permission=I took this picture myself and hereby release it into the public domain to the
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