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Français : Canot n°12 du Titanic, le matin du 15 avril 1912
English: Boat number 12 of Titanic, in morning of the 15 april 1912. Photo by J.W. Barker (Carpathia passenger) credited in The Sphere (London, 4 May 1912), p. 91.

Identifier: wrecksinkingofti00ever (find matches)
Original title: Wreck and sinking of the Titanic : the ocean's greatest disaster : a graphic and thrilling account of the sinking of the greatest floating palace ever built, carrying down to watery graves more than 1,500 souls : giving exciting excape from death and acts of heroism not equalled in ancient or modern times, told by the survivors ; edited by Marshall Everett
Year: 1912 (1910s)
Authors: Everett, Marshall
Subjects: Titanic (Steamship) Shipwrecks
Publisher: (S.l. : L.H. Walter)
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University

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at held her place even thoughshe were a maid or the wife of a Hungarian peasant.Many women clung to their husbands and refused tobe separated. In some cases they dragged their hus-bands to the boats and in the confusion the men foundplaces in the boats. Before there was any indication of panic, Henry B.Harris, a theatrical manager of New York, steppedinto a boat at the side of his wife before it was lowered. Women first! shouted one of the ships officers.Mr. Harris glanced up and saw that the remark wasaddressed to him. All right, he replied, coolly. Gk)odby, my dear, he said, as he kissed his wife,pressed her a moment to his breast and then climbedback to the Titanics deck. FLEET DREW AWAY One by one the little fleet drew away from the tower-ing sides of the giant steamship, whose decks werealready reeling as it sank lower in the water. The Titanic is doomed! was the verdict that passedfrom lip to lip. We will sink before help can come! Water poured into every compartment of the 800-
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.

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Flickr tags
  • bookid:wrecksinkingofti00ever
  • bookyear:1912
  • bookdecade:1910
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Everett__Marshall
  • booksubject:Titanic__Steamship_
  • booksubject:Shipwrecks
  • bookpublisher:_S_l____L_H__Walter_
  • bookcontributor:Harold_B__Lee_Library
  • booksponsor:Brigham_Young_University
  • bookleafnumber:62
  • bookcollection:americana
Flickr posted date
29 luglio 2014


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