
Bette Videos in PDFs ein und lass das Engagement durch die Decke gehen

Bette YouTube- und Vimeo-Videos direkt in dein digitales Flipbook ein. Videos sind ein beliebtes Mittel, um das Engagement zu steigern und deinen Leser/innen ein multimediales Erlebnis zu bieten.

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What is a PDF embedded video?

Embedding videos in a PDF turns your document into a multimedia content asset. Our Videos feature makes it easy to add videos to PDFs where readers can play them directly without having to click away from your content. Embedding allows you to make video an integral part of the experience.

Inserting a video into a PDF enhances your written content rather than distracting from it the way a video linked externally might. Keep viewers reading and watching in one place.

Seamless storytelling

When you embed a video in a PDF, you add all the benefits of multimedia to your written content. Videos become a seamless part of your storytelling with Issuu. With no external links or distractions, all your readers need to do is press play. If you select the autoplay option, your video will begin once the page is turned within your flipbook. Elevate your content and create a truly captivating experience.

  • Keep viewers engaged: Videos auto-play as pages turn or can begin with a simple click.

  • Enhance your narrative: Go beyond words and images to share your story in a richer, more dynamic format.

  • Drive deeper engagement: Immerse your audience and encourage them to explore more.

Just push play, or autoplay

Autoplay automatically plays the video file in the PDF as soon as readers flip to that page. This is a helpful feature when the video complements the text directly, and something would be missing without it. You can also set your video to play on demand. This is a good option when the video is extra, providing additional info they might want to check out after they read your written content.

Endless possibilities at your fingertips

Show your creative content, display dynamic ads, present your product in context, or develop other original ways to use video that will keep your audience talking. There are just as many ways to make videos as there are to use them. You can use drone footage, interviews, customer testimonials, and other user-generated content. The possibilities to engage and inform with embedded Videos on Issuu are endless.

So fügst du ein Video zu einer PDF-Datei hinzu

  1. Logge dich bei Issuu ein und wähle „Publications“ aus dem Seitenmenü.

  2. Wähle den veröffentlichten Inhalt aus, in den du Videos einfügen möchtest, und wähle unter dem „Publication Home Workspace“ unter „Enhance“ in der linken Navigation „Add Links and Video“, um den Link-Editor zu öffnen.

  3. Klicke und ziehe einen Rahmen im Link Editor, in den du dein Video einfügen möchtest.

  4. Füge die URL des YouTube- oder Vimeo-Videos in den Link-Editor ein. Wähle als Art des Links „Video“ und gib an, ob das Video automatisch abgespielt werden soll oder nicht.

Video FAQs

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