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Arkivo:King Charles I after original by van Dyck.jpg

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Portrait of King Charles I in his robes of state  wikidata:Q113647986 reasonator:Q113647986
Workshop of Antoon van Dyck  (1599–1641)  wikidata:Q150679 q:it:Antoon van Dyck
Workshop of Antoon van Dyck
Altri nomi
Anthony van Dyck, Anthonie van Dyck, Anton van Dijck, Antonis van Deik, Antoon van Dijk, Anthonis van Dyck, Antoine van Dyck
Deskripto flandra pentristo, desegnisto ed art-presisto
Data di nascita/morte la 22-a de marto 1599 Edit this at Wikidata la 9-a de decembro 1641 Edit this at Wikidata
Luogo di nascita/morte Antwerpen Edit this at Wikidata Nigrafrataro Edit this at Wikidata
Luogo di attività
Antwerpen (1609–1610, 1615–1620), London (1620-marto 1621), Category:Zaventem (1621), Genova (oktobro 1621-februaro 1622), Roma (februaro 1622-julio 1622), Firenze (1622), Bologna (1622), Venezia (1622), Roma (1623), Mantova (1623), Genova (1623), Palermo (1623–1624), Genova (1624–1625), Antwerpen (julio 1627), London (1627-marto 1628), Antwerpen (marto 1628), Den Haag (1629), Antwerpen (1629–1632), Haarlem (1632), Bruxel (1632), London (mayo 1632-1634), Antwerpen (1634–1635), Bruxel (1634), London (1636–1640), Antwerpen (la 18-a de oktobro 1640-...), Paris (januaro 1641-novembro 1641), Blackfriars, London (novembro 1641-la 9-a de decembro 1641)
Norma datumaro
creator QS:P170,Q4233718,P1774,Q150679
 Edit this at Wikidata
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
Portrait of King Charles I in his robes of state
label QS:Len,"Portrait of King Charles I in his robes of state"
Object type pikturo Edit this at Wikidata
Ĝenro portreto Edit this at Wikidata
Depicted people Charles 1ma di Anglia Edit this at Wikidata
Dato 1636 Edit this at Wikidata
Supporto oil on canvas Edit this at Wikidata
privata kolekto
institution QS:P195,Q768717

Storia dell'oggetto


  • Earl of Sheffield
  • Listed for sale at London, Christie's, 25 November 1911, lot 117 (unsold)
  • Sold at Parkenthorpe, London, 1912
  • Sold to Mrs. Whitelaw Reid at New York, Anderson Galleries, 15 May 1935, lots 1195-96
  • Acquired by Mrs. Elinor Dorrance Hill, Newport, Rhode Island, who gave it to the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum, Hartford, Connecticut
  • Sold to anonymous buyer at New York, Christie's, 25 May 1999, lot 81 (as Workshop of van Dyck)
  • Sold at New York, Sotheby's, la 26-a de januaro 2012 for $86,500, Important Old Master Paintings, lot 197
Fonte/Fotografo upload)
Sothebys 2012 (higher resolution upload)
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This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1930.

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aktuala08:50, 27 okt. 2013Imajeto di versiono ye 08:50, 27 okt. 20132 317 × 4 000 (1,58 MB)DrKaybrighter; less yellow
17:46, 26 okt. 2013Imajeto di versiono ye 17:46, 26 okt. 20132 317 × 4 000 (1,51 MB)DrKayairbrushed out white marks (candle grease?) in the top left quadrant
13:57, 16 sep. 2012Imajeto di versiono ye 13:57, 16 sep. 20122 317 × 4 000 (3,78 MB)CtacSize and quality. From:
03:06, 23 jun. 2012Imajeto di versiono ye 03:06, 23 jun. 2012468 × 709 (86 KB)HohumLevels, without blowing highlights
12:20, 1 jun. 2012Imajeto di versiono ye 12:20, 1 jun. 2012470 × 712 (233 KB)SoerfmColor, brightness
11:13, 9 apr. 2008Imajeto di versiono ye 11:13, 9 apr. 2008470 × 712 (75 KB)Lord Horatio Nelson~commonswiki{{Information |Description= Portrait of King Charles I in the robes of the Order of the Garter. |Source= |Date= 1636 |Author= Sir Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641) |Permission= see below |other_versions= }}

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