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From Wikimedia Incubator
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Wb > nah
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The code "nah" does not refer to a specific language, but to a collection of languages, namely the Nahuatl languages.

This code corresponds to an existing Wikimedia project, which can be found at b:nah:.
This Wikibooks project existed in a subdomain but is now closed and locked. There does not appear to be any meaningful content on any of the five mainspace pages there.
Because this language code is actually a code for a collection of languages, it would be preferable to start a new project under the language code of an individual language within this collective. See Category:Incubator:Nahuatl languages for more details.

You can search for other projects in this language: Wikipedia · Wiktionary · Wikibooks · Wikinews · Wikiquote · Wikivoyage · Wikisource · Wikiversity