The Uglion High Ruler is a major antagonist in the animated series The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police, serving as the main antagonist of the episode "Sam and Max Vs. The Uglions" and one of two secondary antagonists (alongside Deadly Dangly Deever) of the episode "The Final Episode".
His Evil Ranking[]
Debated Validations[]
- As he wants to harness humans as a food source for his race, it could be stated he is a well-intended extremist, but it is not made clear if he actually cares for his race or giving them food is out of pragmatism.
- Although he works with Mack Salmon and the other villains he acquires, it is unknown if he truly cares for them or just works with them through mutual sadism, especially since he showed no care when Herzog and the Mad Thespian were booted out of their plane.
What Makes Him Heinous?[]
- He disguises himself as being part of a friendly alien species, opening up a restaurant, only to use it as a means to secretly kidnap humans and use them as food for his race.
- He ends up harvesting the entire human race. Although it is off-screen, it has on-screen effect as the future where he succeeds in his plan shows the entire planet Earth completely deserted.
- He later teams up with Mack Salmon and several other villains from previous episodes to kill Sam and Max in order to get revenge on them.
What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]
- The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police is mostly a satirical depiction of American culture, and the Uglion High ruler is no exception to this, being a parody of an evil alien overlord and being defeated with a recipe that gives him and his race acne.