Reno Gang
Lokasi ditemukan | Seymour, Jackson County, Indiana AS |
Pendiri | Frank Reno dan John Reno |
Tahun aktif | 1864-1868 |
Teritori | Selatan Indiana, Missouri, Iowa |
Etnis | Eropa-Amerika |
Keanggotaan | 10-11 |
Aktivitas kriminal | Penyerobotan pajak, pembunuhan, pemalsuan uang, perampokan, perampokan kereta |
Reno Gang, juga dikenal sebagai Reno Brothers Gang dan The Jackson Thieves, adalah sekelompok penjahat yang beroperasi di Midwestern United States pada masa dan setelah Perang Saudara Amerika. Meskipun berumur pendek, mereka menjadi tiga perampok kereta masa damai pertama dalam sejarah AS. Kebanyakan uang yang dicuri tak pernah dikembalikan.
Geng tersebut dipatahkan oleh penggantungan sepuluh anggotanya oleh para gangster pada 1868. Pembunuhan tersebut menimbulkan sebuah insiden diplomatik internasional dengan Kanada dan Britania Raya, sebuah ketegangan publik besar, dan sorotan surat kabar internasional. Tak ada seorangpun yang diidentifikasikan atau didakwa atas penggantungan tersebut.
Reno Brothers diperankan dalam dua film, termasuk film pertama Elvis Presley dimana ia berperan sebagai Clint.
- Funk, Arville L (1983) [1969]. A Sketchbook of Indiana History. Rochester, Indiana: Christian Book Press.
Bacaan tambahan
- "Anarchy in the Heartland" by A. David Distler, 2008, ISBN 978-0-9705297-1-8
- A passage titled "From the Pinkertons to the Patriot Act" includes a section titled "The Reno Case".
- Reno Gang: History of Jackson County, Indiana Diarsipkan 2011-07-26 di Wayback Machine. by Brant & Fuller, 1886
- The Destruction of the Reno Gang: Stories from the Archives of the Pinkerton Detective Agency by Cleveland Moffett, McClure's Magazine, 1895
- A Family of Outlaws, by Richard Wilmer Rowan, 1931
- Seymour, Indiana and the famous story of the Reno gang: Who terrorized America with the first train robberies in world history by Robert Shields, 1939, Rare, out of print, ASIN: B00089LL7E
- Illustrations for Mules Crossing,: A history of the Reno era; the story of the Reno brothers by Robert Shields, 1944, Rare, out of print, ASIN: B0007HS6HU
- The Reno Gang of Seymour by Robert Frederick Volland, 1948, Rare, out of print, Library of Congress Control No.: 48021348
- The Scarlet Mask, or, The Story of the Notorious Reno Gang by Carl Robert Bogardus, 1960, Rare, out of print, ASIN: B0007I0CF8
- The First Train Robbery by Wilgus Wade Hogg, 1977, Rare, out of print, LCCN: 77-73272
- The Masked Halters by Edwin J Boley, 1977, Rare, out of print, ASIN: B0006CZCIC
- John Reno: The world's first train robber and self proclaimed leader of the infamous Reno Gang, Seymour, Indiana by John Reno, 1879, reprinted with annotations by The Jackson County (Indiana) Historical Society, 1993, ASIN: B0006P2G5G
- Tragic Destiny - Demise of the Reno Gang by Loren W Noblitt, The Jackson County (Indiana) Historical Society, 2000
- The Reno story: the world's first train robbers, the facts—the fictions—the legends by John M Lewis, III, 2003, Graessle-Mercer, ASIN: B0006P7AXO
- Facebook site with recent discoveries about the Reno Brothers Gang
- Site about Hangman's Crossing Production's new documentary The Legend of the Reno Brothers Diarsipkan 2014-01-03 di Wayback Machine.
- True West Magazine article on the Reno Gang Diarsipkan 2013-06-03 di Wayback Machine.
- William Bell article on the Historynet website
- Reno Gang article on Legends of America website
- UK Website about Frank Reno
- Reno Family Graves in Seymour, Indiana
- Indiana Folklore: A Reader, p. 93: Hangman's Crossing
- History Channel's This Day in History: October 6 1866
- Highwaymen of the Railroad by William A Pinkerton 1893 Diarsipkan 2008-03-01 di Wayback Machine.
- Lane Public Library: Hamilton Co., OH News-Journal Articles on Reno Gang Diarsipkan 2010-11-24 di Wayback Machine.
- Reno Gang Steals $23,000 from Daviess County, Gallatin, Daviess County (MO) Historical Society Diarsipkan 2010-11-22 di Wayback Machine.
Arsip New York Times
- July 25, 1868, "THE SEYMOUR THIEVES; Further Particulars of the Lynching"
- July 31, 1868, "THE SEYMOUR THIEVES; The Last Act of the Vigilance Committee-Threats of Retaliation"
- August 12, 1868, "The Re-Arrest of Frank Reno and Confederate at Windsor"
- August 17, 1868, "EXPRESS ROBBERIES"
- August 22, 1868, "THE ADAMS EXPRESS ROBBERY.; Reno and Anderson Discharged at Windsor, and Rearrested on Another Charge."
- August 26, 1868, "THE EXPRESS ROBBERIES.; A Statement by the Lawyer of the Accused Parties"
- September 13, 1868, "The Adams Express Robbery Investigation in Canada"
- October 7, 1868, "The Reno-Anderson Case in Toronto"
- October 16, 1868, "Attempt of Reno and Anderson to Break Jail at Windsor, Canada"
- December 17, 1868, "The Indiana Express Robbers--Reno Confessed his Guilt"
- December 19, 1868, "The Indiana Lynching and the Extradition Treaty"
- December 21, 1868, "THE NEW-ALBANY TRAGEDY.; Verdict of the Coroner's Jury--Something More About the Renos"
- December 22, 1868, "CANADA.; Affairs at Toronto--The Legislature--The Provincial Finances--Resignation of the Superintendent of Education--Reno and Anderson"
- December 26, 1868, "NEW-ALBANY, INDIANA.; Proclamation of the Vigliance Committee--A Warning to Thieves"
- January 2, 1869 "INDIANA.; The Vigilance Committee Excitement in Southern Indiana--The Regulators Defy the Authorities"
- January 9, 1869 "The Seymour Express Robbery--The Chicago Board of Trade"
- August 5, 1869 "ALLAN PINKERTON.; An Alleged Conspiracy Agained the Detective's Life--Examination of the Accused Parties"
- October 19, 1869 "..An Absolute State of Barbarism"
- September 14, 1872 "FORRESTER'S CASE.; "Detective" Samuel Felcker in a New Role-A Reminiscence of the Reno Brothers"