found: Work cat.: Marie-Victorin. On a Botrychium new to American flora and its relationship with B. lunaria and B. simplex, 19--.
found: Engler Syl. Pflanz.:v. 1, pp. 287-290 (class: Filices; subclass: Eusporangiatae; order: Ophioglossales; family: Ophioglossaceae)
found: Dict. flow. ferns(Ophioglossaceae)
found: Mabberley, D.J. The plant-book, 1997(x-ref.: Botrychiaceae)
found: Jones, D.L. Encyc. of ferns, 1987:p. 56 (Ophioglossaceae)
found: Anderson, D.G. Botrychium campestre W.H. Wagner & Farrar (Iowa moonwort), 2003:p. 9 (the adder's tongue family (Ophioglossaceae). The Ophioglossaceae is comprised of three genera: Ophioglossum, Cheiroglossa, and Botrychium)
found: NCBI taxonomy browser, Oct. 10, 2013(Ophioglossaceae (adder's-tongue fern family))
found: Wikipedia, Oct. 10, 2013(Ophioglossaceae, the Adder's tongue family, is a family of ferns, currently thought to be most closely related to Psilotaceae, the two together comprising the class Psilotopsida as the sibling group to the rest of the ferns. Order: Ophioglossales, Class: Psilotopsida)