O'Brien, J. F. X. (James Francis Xavier), 1828-1905
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found: For the liberty of Ireland at home and abroad, 2010:t.p. (J.F.X. O'Brien) p. vi (James Francis Xavier O'Brien (1828-1905)) p. 4 of cover (James Francis Xavier O'Brien (1829?-1905) was a Fenian, imprisoned for his activities in 1867 but pardoned in 1869; Home Rule MP and Treasurer of the Irish Parliamentary Party from 1885 until 1905)
found: Wikipedia, Jan. 6, 2011(James Francis Xavier (J. F. X.) O'Brien (13 or 16 Oct. 1828- 28 May 1905); b. in Dungarvan, County Waterford; d. May 28, 1905 in London)
found: Dictionary of Irish biography online, Dec. 3, 2010(James Francis Xavier O'Brien; b. Oct. 16, 1828 in Dungarvan, Co. Waterford; d. May 28, 1905 in London; Irish nationalist; MP for Mayo South and Cork)
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2011-01-12: new
2011-01-20: revised
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