- Bible. N.T. Apocryphal books. Acts of Thomas
- De miraculis sancti Thomae apostoli
- Passio sancti Thomae apostoli
- Thomasakten
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Earlier Established Forms
- Bible. N.T. Apocryphal books. Acts of Thomas
- found: LaFargue, M. Language and gnosis, c1985:CIP galley (Acts of Thomas)
- found: LC data base, 1-15-85(hdg.: Bible. N.T. Apocryphal books. Acts of Thomas)
- found: New Cath. encyc., c1967(Acts of Thomas; De miraculis sancti Thomae apostoli; Passio sancti Thomae apostoli)
- found: Lipinski, M. Konkordanz zu den Thomasakten, c1988.
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 1985-01-22: new
- 1989-10-04: revised
Alternate Formats