found: Magick, gnosticism & the witchcraft, c1979:t.p. (Jack Parsons) cover, p. 2-3 (b. 1914; d. 1952; founder of Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
found: Jack Parsons and the fall of Babalon, 1995:chronology (b. Oct. 2, 1914, Los Angeles; d. June 17, 1952 in mysterious explosion) p. 11 (John Whiteside Parsons)
found: Cameron: songs for the witch woman, 2014:page 73 (Jack Parsons; John Whiteside Parsons, who usually went by Jack, was born Marvel Whiteside Parsons in Los Angeles on Oct. 2, 1914; leader of the Pasadena lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis; co-founder of Aerojet Engineering Corporation; died June 17, 1952)