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DescriptionLibreOffice+IBM+BIPM logos.svg
Español: Cuadro compuesto de tres logotipos: LibreOffice, IBM (de Paul Rand), y Oficina Internacional de Pesas y Medidas.
NOTA: El concepto de cuadro, que obviamente es muy general y amplio, aquí se encuentra emparentado con yuxtaposición (artes plásticas) y yuxtaposición (artes visuales), y concretamente refiere a la forma de disposición de los tres logotipos, que se ubican unos junto a otros sin superposición, o sea, de modo que ninguno oculte parcialmente a los otros.
Logo(type) of LibreOffice.
The eight-striper wordmark of IBM, the letters "IBM" in City Medium typeface. Introduced in 1967. Trademarked by International Business Machines Corporation.
Io, titular del derecto de autor sur iste obra, libera iste obra al dominio public. Isto vale in tote le mundo. In alcun paises isto pote non esser legalmente possibile. In tal caso: Io concede a omnes le derecto de usar iste obra pro non importa qual fin, sin conditiones, a minus que tal conditiones sia requirite per lege.
LibreOffice and IBM logos
This work includes material that may be protected as a trademark in some jurisdictions. If you want to use it, you have to ensure that you have the legal right to do so and that you do not infringe any trademark rights. See our general disclaimer. This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required.See Commons:Licensing.
Registro de incargamento original
This image is a derivative work of the following images:
2010-10-12T15:11:47Z Frysch 219x264 (531 Bytes) {{Information |Description= {{en|logo(type) of LibreOffice}} |Source= own work using (free) font ''Vegur'' from |Date= |Author= User:Frysch |Permission= {{PD-textlogo}} |other_versions=
2009-05-28T19:18:11Z Artem Karimov 1000x400 (4352 Bytes) code cleanup
2009-04-25T10:09:11Z Imalipusram 1024x427 (4899 Bytes) color picked from IBM press photo gallery:
2007-07-05T17:29:26Z Hautala 800x322 (5691 Bytes) {{PD-textlogo}} {{Trademarked}} The eight-striper logo of IBM, the letters "IBM" in City Medium typeface. Introduced in 1967. Captured from the front page of the PDF document [
{{Information |Description={{en|logo(type) of LibreOffice}} {{ru|1=Лого(тип) LibreOffice}} The eight-striper wordmark of IBM, the letters "IBM" in City Medium typeface. Introduced in 1967. Trademarked by Internat