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Fájl:Graf Spee achtern.jpg

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Graf_Spee_achtern.jpg (740 × 505 képpont, fájlméret: 73 KB, MIME-típus: image/jpeg)


English: Admiral Graf Spee (German Armored Ship, 1936)

View of the after part of the ship's superstructure, port side, taken while she was in Montevideo harbor, Uruguay in mid-December 1939, following the Battle of the River Plate.

Note the burned-out remains of an Arado Ar 196A-1 floatplane on the ship's catapult and the German naval ensign flying from the mast mounted atop the after rangefinder.
Deutsch: Aufbauten Backbord achtern, im Hafen von Montevideo, Uruguay. Aufgenommen im Dezember 1939 nach der Schlacht am Río de la Plata
Szerző U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.


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aktuális2009. március 15., 14:41Bélyegkép a 2009. március 15., 14:41-kori változatról740 × 505 (73 KB)Gonzosft{{Information |Description={{en|1=Admiral Graf Spee (German Armored Ship, 1936) View of the after part of the ship's superstructure, port side, taken while she was in Montevideo harbor, Uruguay in mid-December 1939, following the Battle of the River Plate

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