How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

O my dear mate. I miss you so. Remember the time we were at that meat house and those two Visigoths wagered I couldn’t hold my left elbow in a boiling pot of gruel for five minutes? [src]

The Visigoths are a group of people mentioned in the movie short, How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming.


In the How to Train Your Dragons Franchise, Vikings interacted with the Visigoths. Specifically, Stoick and Gobber encounters two Visigoths who bet that Gobber couldn't keep his elbow in boiling gruel for five minutes.

In reality, while some of the territories and trade routes of historical Vikings overlapped those of the Visigoths, the two peoples were separated thoroughly by time. The Visigoths occupied various locations in mainland Europe during the 300's to 800's AD. The Viking Age was between 793 AD and 1066 AD.

The Visigoths were a Germanic people who became distinct as a people in Southeastern Europe near the Black Sea, and traveled westward. They initially believed in German Paganism, which has many connections with Norse Paganism. Later they converted to Christianity. There were many conflicts with the Roman Empire in the 3rd and 4th centuries, even invading the city of Rome. Later the Visigoths set up a kingdom in Southwestern Europe consisting of much of modern-day Spain and France. Ultimately the Visigoth Kingdom fell to the Islamic Umayyad Caliphate. It is the Caliphate that some Vikings may have encountered on trading and raiding expeditions to Southern Europe.


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