How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Goredragons are only mentioned in the book series.

Physical Appearance[]

There is no description or information of any kind on this only-mentioned dragon.


Goredragons produce a slippery goo that can be used to coat other dragons' scales and make them more aerodynamic.


How to Seize a Dragon's Jewel[]

Toothless mak ta me m-m-ost speshally griefspotties. Toothless's runners pop in a cack-cack di Goredragon, plus me pressit muchwide ondi floorsheet.
I make you my most heartfelt apologies. I seem to have stepped in Goredragon poo and trodden it all over your carpet.
  — Toothless  

The Goredragon is mentioned only once, and only indirectly in this Book. Their feces are mentioned as part of the supplemental pages on how to speak Dragonese.

How to Train Your Hogfly[]

Hiccup coats his Windwalker in Goredragon goo in an attempt to give him an advantage in the Young-Warrior-in-Training-Dash-Down-the-Slalom-of-Death race. The goo is so slippery, that Hiccup can slides upside down on the dragon. Later, the goo helps the Windwalker escape the deadly jaws of a Throatgoggler.

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