How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

I'd worry more about the new hybrid dragon you discovered. I heard Fishlegs talk about it - the Bonestormer? I can't imagine a dragon with the raw power of the Boneknapper without its wisdom. I'd be worried that a dragon like that would be causing havoc and be up to no good! [src]

The Bonestormer is a hybrid between a Boneknapper and a Stormcutter that first appeared in the game, Dragons: Titan Uprising. It was later released in the game School of Dragons.

Quick Answers

What games does the Bonestormer character appear in? toggle section
The Bonestormer character appears in the games 'Dragons: Titan Uprising' and 'School of Dragons'.
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What are the characteristics of a Bonestormer egg? toggle section
A Bonestormer egg is typically oval in shape. Unlike some dragon eggs, it doesn't have any protrusions on the shell. The narrow end of the Bonestormer egg has a reddish-brown scaled appearance, while the wide end features bony plating. The exact material of the scale is unknown.
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What two dragon types is the Bonestormer a hybrid of? toggle section
The Bonestormer is a hybrid dragon, resulting from the cross-breeding of a Boneknapper and a Stormcutter.
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What is the appearance of the Bonestormer egg in the School of Dragons game? toggle section
In the School of Dragons game, the Bonestormer egg has a unique appearance. It is a typical oval shape with a reddish-brown scaled appearance on the narrow end and bony plating at the wide end. Unlike some dragon eggs, there are no protrusions on the shell. Additionally, the egg appears to be dull green with tiny fragments of metal coated all over it, likely added by their mothers to protect the vulnerable eggs from predators.
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How does the Bonestormer character contribute to the gameplay in Dragons: Titan Uprising? toggle section
In Dragons: Titan Uprising, the Bonestormer character adds a unique dynamic to the gameplay. This dragon hybrid, a cross between a Boneknapper and a Stormcutter, can be obtained by players through breeding in the Breedery. The Bonestormer is known for its natural armor and massive wings, which it uses to appear larger when threatened. It spends a lot of time maintaining its armor, indicating a possible gameplay element related to upkeep and maintenance. Additionally, the Bonestormer's protective nature, especially in the case of the Bulky Bonestormer variant, suggests it plays a defensive role in the game, safeguarding smaller dragons from hunters.
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Physical Appearance[]


SOD-Bonestormer Egg

Bonestormer eggs are a typical oval shape. While there are no protrusions on the shell as with some dragon eggs, the Bonestormer egg has a reddish-brown scaled appearance on the narrow end and bony plating at the wide end. It is unknown if the scales and plating only appear as such, or the egg is coated in actual scale and bone.

Hatchling to Adult[]

Inherited from their Stormcutter parents, Bonestormers exhibit two pairs of wings ending with a pointed claw. They also sport a small, defined frill that originates behind their heads and heavy brow bones, which give them an appearance similar to samurai helmets and headdresses. Bonestormers also apply bones to their hides as armor, but not as heavily as their Boneknapper forebearers. This includes head, along the spine down to a bone-clubbed tail, and bone placement along the wing fingers of all four wings. Bonestormers also have a pair of back-curved horns. They come in colors of subdued purple, blues, and greens, and sometimes yellows and reds.

Titan Wing[]

Titan Wing Bonestormers are larger in size than their Broad Wing forms. Their frill crown also enlarge, as well as their brow and chin bones. All claws on their feet and wings are also more pronounced.


Bone Armor[]

Like their Boneknapper parents, Bonestormers retain the ability to adhere bones to their hides to aide in self-protection. It is assumed they also have an overly-vulnerable skin, but perhaps not as vulnerable as the Boneknapper. There is no indication that certain biological functions such as roaring are dependent on having a complete set of bone armor. With an armor of bone, Boneknappers are equipped to withstand many attacks and can utilize the bones in their own offensive attack, such as their bone-encrusted tail bludgeon.


Bonestormers spew hot flames from their mouths, most likely as powerful as both those of the Boneknapper and Stormcutter.



Despite wearing bone armor, Bonestormers are able to demonstrate some of the spinal flexibility of their Stormcutter parents. They appear to be able to twist their neck around about 270 degrees. This flexibility combined with two pairs of wings presumably give the Bonestormer excellent agility and maneuverability in the air while flying.


Armor Dependency[]

Though not explicitly stated, it is assumed that the Bonestormer's hide is at least somewhat as vulnerable as that of a Boneknapper, requiring an armor of bone for extra protection. It is unknown how sensitive to attack an armorless Bonestormer would be.

Behavior and Personality[]

Bonestormers are extremely fastidious and focused on grooming their bone armor. They are also rather prideful and sometimes dominant. They can be protective of other familiar dragons, but also expect attention. Occasionally, there will be a less social individual, such as Maw-Mood. They can also exhibit some jealousy if not the center of attention or a dominant member of a group.

When threatened, Bonestormers will spread their massive wings wide in an attempt to make themselves appear even larger. They are also excellent warriors and display an understanding of tactics during battle.



School of Dragons[]

The Bonestormer was introduced in this game during the October 13, 2020 Dreadfall event. A Bonestormer egg could be obtained by completing the event by collecting 17,000 candies through various minigames.

Dragons: Titan Uprising[]

The Bonestormer was first introduced in this game, along with many other dragon hybrids. The only way a player can obtain a Bonestormer is by breeding a Boneknapper and a Stormcutter in the Breedery.



Bonestormer uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the DreamWorks School of Dragons Wiki page Bonestormer. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). SODWikiLogo

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