Horizon Wiki
Horizon Wiki

This is a list of possible machine that will come in Horizon Forbidden West. Others can contribute to this list.

Land Machine

  • Hunter: an fox-like Small Machine that roam the plains and forest for resources to bring to Cauldron for new Machine creation. In battle, their tail are enflame to bash and burn their enemies.
  • Beringel: An gorilla-like Large Machine that belong in the Combat Class Machine. In battle, their arms turns into spiked maces to smash enemies into the ground.

Sea Machine

  • Bomber: a pufferfish-like small machine that swim into the ocean. Like the name suggests, they explode. However, they don’t actually explode, they send out spikes that detonated once a enemy is in a close proximity.

Flying Machine

  • Screamer: a bat-like medium Combat Class Machine. They fight by letting out a super sonic scream that stuns enemies for a few seconds, allowing them to use their claws to slash their enemies to pieces.