Horizon Wiki
Horizon Wiki

Tektuk is a mentioned-only character in Horizon Zero Dawn.


Tektuk was the son of Arnak and Ili, conceived during an affair Ili was having on her mate, Signak. Ili deeply regreted her actions as she was pregnant with Tektuk.[2] After he was born, Signak claimed Tektuk as his own son.[3]

Sometime later, Signak was found dead. Believing Arnak to be responsible, the werak stripped him of his clothes and exiled him from Ban-Ur.[4] Arnak spent the next several years writing messages as he travelled south into the Valleymeet, then west into the Sundom, weaving figures and painting on cliff faces in tribute to Tektuk.


Wiki Navigation[]

Aratak's Werak Aratak (chieftain) - Naltuk (shaman) - Ourea (shaman) - Ruatuk - Sekuli - Signutai
Kikuk's Killers Kikuk - Nulat
Kopilai's Werak Kopilai (chieftain) - Aujak (shaman) - Inatut
Onnekut's Werak Onnekut (chieftain) - Nukoni
Scars of the North/
Shattered Hearts/
Nukoni's Arrows
Tatai - Tulemak - Urkai
Signak's Werak Signak (chieftain) - Ili - Tektuk
White Teeth Werak White Teeth Chieftain - White Teeth Shaman - Mailen
Exiles Arnak - Brin
Disputed Sylens
Other members Aluki - Anutai - Ardik - Banukai - Enjuk - Ikrie - Kamut - Kimik - Kutani - Laulai - Lauvuk - Naunuk - Opili - Opitak - Rukul - Siluk - Tikuk - Ukan - Yariki