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"The lesson will be taught in due time, Aloy. Until then, we wait."
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The Shaman's Path is an unmarked location in Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds.


The path begins with a series of wide icy caves, lit by lanterns containing luminous minerals. It is riddled with Ritualistic Markers and wind chimes, each one pointing to another, giving directions. Nearly halfway through the path, two Daemonic Stalkers are prowling. The Reinforced Outfit Weave modification can be found near the third stalker.

Outside the caves is a narrow mountain pass and a waterfall, giving motion to the nearby swing bridge. On the other side, there is a chasm that can be crossed using a Zipline, then by descending down a ladder. Light Oxide pigment can be found at the bottom. Another ladder and some handholds are used to reach the other side of the chasm, and then another swing bridge.

Continuing up the mountain pass is a yellow slackline, a small wooden bridge and then another swing bridge, leading to another chasm. A Daemonic Frostclaw is prowling at the bottom. Continuing forward there is a rock face that can be climbed using handholds, leading to a chasm with a Control Tower in the center where the Frostclaw is prowling. At the western edge of the chasm are some handholds that can be used to escape. These lead to a very steep uphill pass that leads to another rock face with handholds. a very demanding climb up the ridge leads towards a collapsed bridge that had been replaced by a yellow slackline. At the end of the path, there is a dead rusted Stormbird, having become a Bluegleam deposit. Shamans who complete the path take a piece of it as a reward.

