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Nahasis was the tenth Sun-King of the Carja tribe.


Hunter's lodge 1

The Hunters Lodge in Horizon Zero Dawn.

Sun-King Nahasis was an avid hunter, and founder of the Hunters Lodge. He called for men from Carja noble houses to prove themselves by hunting machines, and those who defeated the greatest machines became the first Hawks and Sunhawk of the Hunters Lodge.[1] By extension, Nahasis established the Bylaws of the Lodge, which remained unchanged until the reign of Sun-King Avad, who changed the Bylaws to allow entry to women and outlanders.[2]

Nahasis was succeeded by the Radiant Marzid.


Wiki Navigation[]

Sun-Court Avad - Itamen - Marad - Nasadi - Vanasha
Sun-Priests Hishavan - Irid - Jahamin - Namman - Vuadis
Nobles Amadis - Daradi - Elida - Fashav - Lahavis - Ranaman - Ravan - Rhavid - Rokasha
Military Balahn - Conover - Firiv - Gediah Kho Veriv - Hami - Janeva - Kavad - Lakhir - Laruvik - Lawan - Maleev - Mavas - Nessa - Nozar - Payiv - Urid - Uthid - Walid - Ybril - Zaid
Hunters Lodge Ahsis - Aidaba - Bashad - Brativin Khane Padish - Farukawas - Greatrun Keeper - Havash - Izvad - Kyran - Ligan - Malesh - Palaved - Spurflints Keeper - Sun Furrows Keeper - Talanah Khane Padish - Talavad Khane Padish - Tarkas - Tufanah - Valleymeet Keeper
Merchants Cantarah - Eclectic Collectibles Merchant - Kudiv - Machine Resources Merchant - Palas
Lore Amavad - Aram - Araman - Basadid - Hivas - Iriv - Jiran - Juwadan - Kadaman - Khuvadin - Marzid - Masarad - Nahasis - Pashaman - Ranan - Sadahin - Sadeva - Tashadi - Udain - Zavarad
Other members Dirid - Duvad - Enasha - Furahni - Gavan - Gendas - Gulahni - Hashiv - Three-Toe Huadiv - Ilsadi - Javad - Keadi - Kindiv - Lubavad - Marzavid - Nasan - Nil - Omas - Quarry Foreman - Ranin - Ravan's Steward - Rushavid - Ruwas - Shahavad - Talvo - Vashad
Shadow Carja
Sun-Priests Bahavas
Military Atral - Helis - Ryas - Shivin - Tarav - Thiran - Vezreh - Yusis
The Order of Twilight Lokasha - Savohar
Other members Abas - Dekamin - Ghaliv - Shianah