"Furthermore, the Gavels have been dispatched to find and return Ohlgrud Smithsson for sentencing, or in the case of his resistance, to deliver execution without counter-argument.
This matter is spat and sworn upon by Hegeda Bladewife, Gavel."
-A Summons From The Claim
The Gavels are mentioned in the datapoint in Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds called A Summons From The Claim. This datapoint is located inside the Stone Yield Bandit Camp, and is currently the only source mentioning Gavels.
As is implied by the name, the Gavels are a corps of the Oseram justice system, functioning as law enforcers within The Claim as well as abroad, akin to bounty hunters. Their duties include the search and capture of wanted Oseram criminals, and in some cases to carry out executions should the perpetrator resist arrest. They may carry out sentencing as a group or on an individual basis, as is the case with Helgeda Bladewife as mentioned in the datapoint. What other duties they may carry out within The Claim is as yet unknown.
Known Gavels[]
Helgeda Bladewife