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NRA's Home Air Gun Program

The NRA’s Home Air Gun Program brings marksmanship activities directly to the community by providing parents, teachers, activity and club leaders with information and guidance on BB and air gun shooting sports. Here you will find helpful tips about:

Blue Icon of a Rifle and Shotgun

Types And Uses Of BB And Air Guns

Learn the basic differences between BB and air guns, along with which models are suitable for varying skill levels and budgets.

Blue Icon of Firearm Types

Selection Of Air Gun Equipment

Air rifle programs need more than just guns. Here you can learn what equipment is required for safe and effective shooting practice.

Blue Icon of a Home Air Rifle Range with Target

Constructing An Air Gun Range

Learn how to set up an indoor or outdoor range and discover information on constructing portable shooting ranges.

Blue Icon of a Marksman with a Rifle

The Next Steps In Shooting Sports

After establishing an air gun program, what should you do next? Explore competitions, scholarships, training options and more.

Program Resources

These information resources are essential for anyone looking to start and maintain an air gun program.

The NRA's Home Air Gun Program Introduction Guide

This easy-to-read guide provides the full range of information needed for establishing an air gun program, including the role of parents, how to select a BB or air gun, how to construct permanent ranges and what steps you should take to grow your program. Also see the helpful glossary of shooting terms.


Download The Guide

These vendors provide the guns you need to establish a program.

In addition to guns, any air gun program will need the equipment listed here.

Use this presentation to add to your own knowledge and as a sample teaching resource.

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For more information about the NRA Education and Training Department, email [email protected].

Home Air Gun Program

Providing parents, teachers and leaders with gun safety information and guidance on BB gun and air gun shooting sports.