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I Am the Law is a feat challenge to achieve in the A Bitter Pill bonus mission in Whittleton Creek.

To accomplish the challenge, Agent 47 must disguise himself as a member of the local police force.


  • Disguise yourself as a police officer.


  • +2000 XP.



The following may contain spoilers.
  • Infiltrate Vholes' garden.
  • Wait for the police deputies to begin protecting his house.
  • Wait for the single outdoor police deputy to examine the garden fence.
  • Subdue him and drag his body to the nearby bush.
  • Disguise yourself as him.
A Bitter Pill Challenges
Assassinations Big Bang Theory - Flammable Snake Oil - Hold My Hair - Piano Man - Prescription - Shocking Health Benefits - Someone Could Hurt Themselves - Straight Shot - Tasteless, Traceless - Versatile Assassin
Discoveries Second Opinion - Treehouse Stalker
Feats Cellar Door - I Am the Law - Letterboxed
Targets The Quack
The Classics Silent Assassin - Silent Assassin, Suit Only - Sniper Assassin - Suit Only - The Classics
Cut Challenges Ectoplasmic - No Evidence