Hey Kids Comics Wiki

History of character is unknown.


File:Power Puss (Earth-8311).jpg

Power Puss

Upton Stray had a sense of style that he combined with Bunsen Bunny's scientific knowledge to create the special technology of the Beagle Brigadeers.[2]


Power gauntlets: During his time as Power Puss, Uptom Stray used power gauntlets with embedded gyographic components and miniaturized circuitry that allowed him to lift several tons over his head and to break brick walls with his punch.[2]

  • 21 Appearances of Upton Adam Stray (Earth-8311)
  • Minor Appearances of Upton Adam Stray (Earth-8311)
  • Media Upton Adam Stray (Earth-8311) was Mentioned in
  • Images featuring Upton Adam Stray (Earth-8311)
  • Quotations by or about Upton Adam Stray (Earth-8311)
  • Character Gallery: Upton Adam Stray (Earth-8311)


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