This page may contain some of the same content as the Marvel Database article. A more complete and current article is at the Marvel Comics Database Secret War. |
Event Synopsis
Nick Fury led a group of hand selected superheroes into Latveria on a secret war. The US government didn't sanction the action, the heroes in question (Spider-Man, Captain America, Daredevil, Wolverine, and Luke Cage) don't remember going (...). Fury believed that Latveria and their prime minister Lucia von Bardas (Dr Doom was trapped in Hell back then) were supporting terrorism by equipping B-List super villains with high-tech equipment. Whatever happened during the secret war was bad, it was shameful, and Fury has hidden the truth ever since. Now it's the present and the secret war has returned to bite him. Spidey, Daredevil, Captain America, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Fantastic Four are facing horde of augmented villains.(...)[1]
- This is the 5-part "Secret War" storyline from 2004/05, not to confuse with the 12-issues "Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Vol 1" books from ´84.
- The books were so delayed that the release span over 20 months, initially scheduled for a quarterly release. This created massive continuity problems regarding Nick Fury and his appearances in other titles.
- Secret War was incorporated into the video game Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.
- Later, a new Secret War will be orchestrated between the former X-Man Forge using an army of artificial "New Mutants" and the Annex Squads of an alternate dimension[2].
See Also
- Pages referring to the "Secret War" event
- Media Secret War was Mentioned in
- Images showing "Secret War"
- Event Gallery: Secret War
Links and References
- ↑
- ↑ Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 #30