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Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Professional History

Mike Carlin started out in the business at Marvel Comics as a writer and artist on Crazy magazine. He later became an assistant editor under Mark Gruenwald, and also wrote a short run of stories in Captain America as well as the infamous Assistant Editors Month issue of Marvel Team-Up (Aunt May and Franklin Richards vs. Galactus). Carlin moved to DC in the mid 1980s, where he became Superman group editor. He was executive editor at DC Comics until 2002. His successor to the position was Dan DiDio.

Work History


  • Carlin appears as "the Supreme Being" in Superman: The Man of Steel #75, bringing Mr. Mxyzptlk back to life.
  • In The Batman Adventures — the first DC Comics spinoff of Batman: The Animated Series — Carlin appears as The Mastermind, leader of a screwball trio of incompetent super-villains that also includes Mr. Nice (a caricature of Archie Goodwin) and The Perfesser (a caricature of Dennis O'Neil).

See Also

Links and References

