Hey Kids Comics Wiki
Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Lucia Viti was the niece of Carmine Falcone, and became heir to the Viti crime organization after the death of her mother Carla, and her brother, Johnny at the hands of the mysterious serial killer known only as Holiday. Lucia blamed the Falcones for their deaths. Lucia was also present at Falcone's funeral, alongside several other members of Falcone's organization. Before returning to Chicago, where the Viti crime organization was based, Lucia decided to stay in Gotham for a little longer. At some point, Lucia bailed Umberto and Pino Maroni out of prison, claiming that the Vitis were looking into making new freinds. The full extent of Lucia's intentions are unkown. During the Columbus Day massacure, Lucia was apparently killed in a car accident.

  • 4 Appearances of Lucia Viti (New Earth)
  • Minor Appearances of Lucia Viti (New Earth)
  • Media Lucia Viti (New Earth) was Mentioned in
  • Images featuring Lucia Viti (New Earth)
  • Quotations by or about Lucia Viti (New Earth)
  • Character Gallery: Lucia Viti (New Earth)


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