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This page may contain some of the same content as the DC Database article. A more complete and current article is at the DC Comics Database Laurel Juspeczyk (Watchmen TV Series).
The complete list of authors can be seen in that articles page history. We wish to thank all awesome contributors at the DC Database who have worked so hard to bring us this information..

Special Agent Laurie Blake is a cynical and driven FBI agent, and a former masked vigilante. She was also key to unraveling the mystery of Cyclops' plans to take Doctor Manhattan's power.

Quote1 Men who end up hanging from trees with secret compartments in their closets tend to think of themselves as good guys. And the people who protect them tend to think of themselves as good guys, too. But here's the thing about me, Sister Night: I eat good guys for breakfast. Quote2
-- Laurie Blake src 


Laurie Juspeczyk was the daughter of the two Minutemen heroes Sally Jupiter and Eddie Blake. Though her father attempted to rape her mother in 1940, the two heroes had consensual sex and conceived Laurie eight years later.

Laurie grew up without the knowledge that the Comedian was her father, instead being raised by mother and her step-father Louis Schexnayder. Laurie, from a young age, had suspicions that her mother's one-time Minuteman boyfriend Hooded Justice was her real father, but Sally would reveal years later that the relationship was only for show and that she had never even seen Hooded Justice's real face.[1]

Silk Spectre

When Laurie was a young adult, she became a vigilante herself as the second Silk Spectre, taking her mother's old alias. For a short time, Laurie operated with a group of heroes called the Crimebusters.

Laurie developed a deep relationship with her fellow crimefighter Doctor Manhattan, but due to his apathy towards humanity, they broke up. Laurie was heartbroken and never really recovered.[2]

After the Keene Act made masked vigilantism illegal, Laurie became close with the hero Nite Owl as they longed for the escape of heroism together. They became lovers for a time, though Laurie would resent others calling their relationship that.[2]

At one point, Nite Owl and Silk Spectre donned their costumes again and broke Rorschach out of police custody.

Laurie was unable to stop Adrian Veidt's plan to end the Cold War by faking an interdimensional squid attack on New York City on November 2, 1985.


Sometime after 11/2, once Laurie had learned the truth that the Comedian was her father, she retired the alias "Silk Spectre" and became "the Comedienne" in his honor.

Laurie and Dan continued their romantic relationship but, because Dan felt that Laurie still longed for her ex-boyfriend Doctor Manhattan, built her a large, bionic, blue dildo to use as his replacement.[2][3] The dildo's prototype name was titled "Excalibur", and Laurie kept it with her closely in a briefcase.[4]

Laurie and Dan Dreiberg's relationship at some point fizzled out. In her words: "He wanted kids and I wanted guns." [2]

Eventually, Dan was captured himself for defying the Keene Act and sent to prison. Laurie was given ownership of Dan's pet owl while he was in jail.[3]

In April, 1995, Laurie was captured and interrogated by FBI for her vigilantism. Though she was snarky in her interrogation, she eventually struck a deal to partner with them as a member of their Anti-Vigilante Task Force, giving up vigilantism for good. She then began going by her biological father's last name "Laurie Blake".[2]


In 2019, as a favor to Senator Joe Keene, Jr., in an effort to get Dan Dreiberg pardoned from prison, Laurie began an investigation into the death of Tulsa's police commissioner Judd Crawford. Laurie picked Dale Petey to be her partner for the mission, assuming he wouldn't get in her way.[3]

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  • In her interrogation with the FBI in April 1995, Laurie phonetically pronounced her last name as: "Juice. Like orange. Pez. Like the candy. Ick, like the little girls said when the bottle spun to you." [2]


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