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Conundrum Press is a book publishing company located in Montreal, Canada, founded in 1995 by Andy Brown.

Affiliated authors[]

Conundrum is renowned in Canadian publishing for its innovative, wide-ranging, often genre-defying, books of fiction, cultural history, graphic novels, spoken word and artist projects. Conundrum authors include Dana Bath, Marc Bell, Elisabeth Belliveau, Lance Blomgren, Shary Boyle, Howard Chackowicz, Joey Dubuc, Golda Fried, Corey Frost, Philippe Girard,[1] Lesley Johnson, Valerie Joy Kalynchuk, Liane Keightley, Catherine Kidd,[2] Suki Lee,[3] Amanda Marchand, Billy Mavreas, Chandra Mayor, Maya Merrick, Nathaniel G. Moore, Marc Ngui, Stéphane Olivier, Joe Ollmann, Meg Sircom, Victoria Stanton, Julia Tausch, Marc Tessier, Vincent Tinguely.


The release of Catherine Kidd's early works, such as everything I know about love I learned from taxidermy in 1996, brought a "modest" amount of publicity for the company, allowing them to expand and publish more of Kidd's works and works from other authors.[4]

In 2006, for the ten-year anniversary of the company, Brown commissioned "new work from all the people he has published through the decade to include in a lovely, fuchsia-covered, juicy little book called The Portable Conundrum." The release of the anthology included a large party with all of the contributing authors attending and special readings from the authors' individual works.[5]


Further reading[]
