This paperback collects the first part of the Batman: Hush storyline. This part of the storyline originally was published from December, 2002 to April, 2003 in the comic book series Batman. This story was written by Jeph Loeb and illustrated by Jim Lee.
The story starts when Batman is hot on the trail of Killer Croc, trying to piece together the mystery of a $10 million stash - notionally ransom money for a kidnapped child whom Batman rescued from Catwoman. The clues lead the Dark Knight to Metropolis, where he must face Poison Ivy - and confront Superman.
This paperback collects the following comic books:
- Batman #608 (Chapter One: The Ransom)
- Batman #609 (Chapter Two: The Friend)
- Batman #610 (Chapter Three: The Beast)
- Batman #611 (Chapter Four: The City)
- Batman #612 (Chapter Five: The Battle)
- This paperback includes an introduction by Jeph Loeb.
- Later the full Batman: Hush storyline was published in one paperback: Batman: Hush (Collected).