Hey Kids Comics Wiki

This page may contain some of the same content as the DC Database article. A more complete and current article is at the DC Comics Database Barry Allen (Flash 1990 TV Series).
The complete list of authors can be seen in that articles page history. We wish to thank all awesome contributors at the DC Database who have worked so hard to bring us this information..

Police scientist Barry Allen was hit by lightning and became the Flash, the Fastest Man Alive.

Tina, I watched myself die. It really brought home to me what you've always tried to make me understand. That I am only a man. And like all of us, I'm on a journey of a birth, a life, and a passing.
--Barry Allen src 

Barry Allen was working in the crime lab at Central City Police Department headquarters when a lightning bolt struck his lab, dousing him in electrified chemicals. He discovered that from this accident he developed the ability to move at superhuman speed. With the help of S.T.A.R. Labs scientist Dr. Christina McGee, Barry learned how to control this ability with the help of a Soviet-made prototype deep-sea diving suit.[3] When Barry's brother Jay was murdered by criminal gang leader Nicholas Pike, Barry donned a modified masked version of the suit and called himself the Flash, capturing Pike and bringing him to justice, and then later helping to bring other kinds of criminals such as the Trickster, Captain Cold, and Mirror Master to justice.

Having been the Flash for 30 years, Barry Allen was the last known survivor of Earth-90. During the Crisis, he sacrificed himself to stop the antimatter cannon, contributing to the defeat of the Anti-Monitor and the eventual restoration of the multiverse.





  • Template:Superhuman Digestion: Barry requires many thousands of calories per day to utilize his powers in prolific amounts. He can run to the point of exhaustion and suffer a glucose crash.[citation needed]


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