Promotional Images[]
Season One[]
2a. The Little Pink Book[]
6a. Heat[]
6b. Snow[]
7a. Operation Ruthless[]
15a. Spelling Bee[]
17a. False Alarm[]
18a. Magic show[]
20. Arnold's Christmas[]
21a. Helga's Boyfriend[]
25. Arnold's Valentine[]
Season Two[]
27a. The Big Scoop[]
39b. What's Opera, Arnold?[]
Season Three[]
42a. Curly Snaps[]
49b. Hey Harold![]
51a. Phoebe Takes the Fall[]
52b. Cool Party[]
Season Four[]
67a. Helga's Parrot[]
68a. Love and Cheese[]
Season Five[]
91a. Harold vs. Patty[]
Hey Arnold!: The Jungle Movie[]